Saturday, June 7, 2008

Please don't sit on the flowers!

Most people in Belgrade live in apartments that they usually own. However, although they fix up their own terraces, the common property areas around the apartment buildings are not regularly kept up. Those who really have a green thumb that's itching for more garden space take it upon themselves to take care of the grassy plots around their building, as someone has done here. His or her skills are limited to gardening, and it looks like a carpenter might be needed to repair this bench. In the meantime, don't sit on the flowers!


Anonymous said...

I think this is neat. Flowers to sit on. I am asking out of ignorance, but do they use lawn mowers and mow lawns like we do once or twice a week?

Louis la Vache said...

"Cliff Dwellers" with green thumbs! Not a thing wrong with that! Too bad a carpenter isn't among them to fix the bench!

Chuck Pefley said...

Actually, it's kind of cute the way it is.

Tall Gary said...

When I understood exactly what you meant by, "In the meantime, don't sit on the flowers!" I laughed.

I have some nasturtiums that I planted from seed that are blooming now. The flowers make me smile.

USelaine said...

This reminds me that Hungarians feel sitting on concrete is uncouth, and even unhealthy. Is it the same in Belgrade?

Anonymous said...

I had to come back this morning to say, thanks for stopping and encouraging my wife. She might try a needle and thread next time. In some ways, she is wonderful at keeping my pants up. Glad you liked her idea.

Dan said...

Lol, this is a great pic Bibi. Wonder what happened to the bench? Maybe it turned into flower boxes.

Thanks for your visit. I posted my answer there. We had the same sort of water towers when I was growing up in Chicago. Looked kinda like something out of the old version of war of the worlds.

Louis la Vache said...

Re your question Chez Louis, yes, the sunscreen is advisable, especially as "Louis" wears his hair in one of those fashion-forward 'reverse mohawks'!

Patty said...

Dental floss sounds like a good idea for sewing on buttons, but I found something that really works well, elastic thread. Sew the button, but not real tight, then if it's a button across the stomach area, and the shirt or blouse pulls, the elastic gives enough that it's comfortable and the button doesn't pop off.

Pat said...

For those of you for whom that last comment makes no sense, please see Brookville Daily Photo! You'll understand when you read my comment on Abe's picture today! (Thanks, Patty!)

Jane Hards Photography said...

I like reading comments out of context. My imagination runs riot.
It's also interesting to note around the world peoples attitude to lawnmowing. Like America, it's the Sunday ritual to mow the lawn. I however like to see the grass and wildflowers occasionally on my lawn and skip the mowing sometimes. If they could fix the bench I would love to sit awhile amongst those wild flowers.

Marie Reed said...

There was a man at our old building who took it upon himself to decorate the green spaces around the building with garden gnomes and fake flowers. Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Tash said...

Very original photo. Speaking of mowing lawns - we lived in a small town in Switzerland 18 years ago now &, like all good Americans, mowed the lawn on a Sunday afternoon. Soon we were the talk of the neighborhood & not in a good way. We did change our ways then.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.