Wednesday, July 9, 2008

ABC Wednesday "Y"--buzzing in on Yellow!

"Y" is for "yellow," and I'm probably not alone with this connection. I had really just meant to take a photo of a field of gorgeous sunflowers and some individual ones, but when I clicked on this giant flower, I realized I'd also captured this little guy zooming in. I dedicate this post to my favorite artist, Vincent van Gogh.


Tash said...

Just lovely! Good action added to the abc theme.

Bob Crowe said...

What a fabulous picture - timing, light, simple background and that special visitor to the sunflower. Vincent would approve.

Anonymous said...

i love sunflowers. it always looks good in the photos.
it seems the little guy loves it too :)

Kris McCracken said...

You’ve done very well to capture that! Well done!

Unknown said...

Exceptional capture - you're either a very lucky or very skilled photographer - I expect the latter!

Brilliant Y

Bodge's Bulletin

Chuck Pefley said...

Always fun to catch some"bug" in the act :) I enjoy watching aircraft land and takeoff. Nicely done!

J.C. said...

This is what we called excellent timing!!!

Great shot, bet Van Gogh would be proud of you too, Bibi!

Anonymous said...

Nice shot. Your sunflower looks to be about the same size as the one or two we have at the moment. The bee is nice to see.

Patty and I will be celebrating 53 years of marriage on July 12th. Think of it as a long-term relationship.

I have invited bloggers to offer suggestions on a gift for me to give Patty and the list would not be complete without your ideas.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

Louis la Vache said...

What a great catch, Bibi!

Over at San Francisco Bay Daily Photo, "Louis" and his 'Editor" Yell at each other both in the text and in the comments.....

Marie Reed said...

What a happy surprise! I planted giant sunflowers in my garden this summer:)

angela said...

What a great photo. Love the sunflower and that bee buzzing in.. said...

I love Vincent Van Gogh and sunflowers as well! This is a most impressive picture Bibi.

Knoxville Girl said...

What wonderful composition - and the bee makes it even better. I've just gotta say - yowza!

Diederick Wijmans said...

You did so well here! A lovely picture!!

Petrea Burchard said...

Spectacular photo, Bibi! And bees are so precious right now. Do you have the Colony Collapse Disorder problem, or is that only in America?

Jelly said...

Wow, this is a great photograph... Just look at that busy little Bee!


Jane Hards Photography said...

That's a marvellous capture. Yellow was definitely a popular choice. As for Van Gogh it has to be his chair painting. Whenever in London and the galleries I make a beeline for this painting. Totally mesmerised by it.

raf said...

A super image and capture, Bibi! What a lens you must have on your camera....some of your close-ups register amazing detail. Great choice for ABC. I agree, Vincent's the man.

Meead said...

Wow! Excellent work!

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.