Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Do not enter--danger of poisoning!!!

This is the entrance to the underground garage of a large office building, right next to a pharmacy. What the heck are they doing in there that's poisonous, even if it's only from time to time??


Kim said...

Well, maybe they are concerned about carbon monoxide poisoning because they are enclosed and don't have a ventilation system? That's my guess, and I'm stickin' to it ;^).
Nice bright day photo! The blue and red are great foils for each oter, and I love the shadows.

Seattle Daily Photo

Chuck Pefley said...

Well, I think it's good advice. Who wants to sniff poison, anyway?

Jane Hards Photography said...

I will not linger on the toughts of what lies beyond the closed area. It is disconcerting though. Very strange choice today, and somewhat alarming.

Janet Kincaid said...

Sometimes, ignorance is bliss, eh?

Good photo and Happy Theme Day!

Federico said...

I just found this blog via Google search; very nice and very colourful.

What I was originally searching for was a note on the weather in Belgrade, as I'll be visiting for two weeks. Though I know from weather websites what the temperature for July is expected to be, I've no idea whether it's humid or not. Is Belgrade usually "sticky" during the summer?

Profile Not Available said...

I don't know if I would wait around long enough to find out! Great idea for theme day!

Harry Makertia said...

Well, it sounds scarry! Great choice for today's theme!

Pat said...

Hello, all! I am now back in Belgrade, but now with houseguests, and hope to be posting a special vacation part of my blog very soon....viewed through a new friend's eyes...you'll laugh. Soon, soon.

To Tuco about the weather--tried to find your email, no luck. In any case, Belgrade can be VERY hot and muggy in the summer, which is the case now, sweat, sweat.


 I have seen this woman frequently in different seasons, seated in the same place near a large open market. She doesn't seem to be askin...