Sunday, July 13, 2008

Radovan eats and drinks.

We held off our appetites until we crossed the Greek border, and then dug in. Above, Radovan is enjoying the first of many Greek meals, all fairly new to him. He's standing between a plate of olives, eggplant salad (grilled/baked eggplant mixed with yogurt, feta cheese, herbs, and olive oil), and of course the traditional Greek salad. Radovan recalled a similar well-known Serbian salad, and made me promise to post a photo upon my return.
Here's Radovan frowning a bit, since he likes white wine spritzers, but doesn't care for the taste of the Greek retsina, made exclusively of two kinds of white grapes, but with Aleppo pine resin added. Bibi's husband likes it, either straight or with soda water, as pictured above.


marley said...

I came back from my Greek holiday a couple of weeks ago, I'm missing the sun and food so I'll be following your trip! The Greek food is delicious. You must try some of the Greek beer Mythos. I loved it! I'm sure Radovan will love it too!

USelaine said...

It all looks scrumptious! I loved Turkish food, and I think many dishes in Greece are very similar. I know it makes no sense to most of the world, but I would suffer not having ice in that drink.

Jill said...

I should not have looked at your post before bed! That salad has made my mouth water and I'll probably dream about it. I hope you have a wonderful trip and am glad I can follow along.

Jill said...
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vero said...

Mmm... I think it's delicious!

Marie Reed said...

Valley girl: He's like a rad little dude!

Dan said...

Adding Radovan is a nice touch to your travel photos, which are very well done. I love Greek food and you set my stomach rumbling!

Glad you find my photos calming and relaxing. I think I am starting to see that that is part of my photographic style, such as it is! Unfortunately, it is hot, hot, hot here. 100+f/38C yesterday and more to come today.

angela said...

That looks so refreshing and delicious. Strangely enough we had Greek salad for lunch though unfortunately not in Greece..

Jane Hards Photography said...

Nothing like arefresking greek salad on a hot sunny day. Just doesn't taste the same back home.

Vlada Jablanov said...

Radovan seems like a great and wise man :) And I believe that he was a great tour guide; when I looked at his "stamped" suitcase - I knew that he deserves respect!
Bibi, great idea to take Radovan to your vacation.

Kris McCracken said...

Fit for a king!

Profile Not Available said...

I wish I had had lunch with Radovan!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.