Friday, July 18, 2008

Radovan's Sky Watch Friday in Sounion, Greece

Sunsets are breathtaking just about anywhere, but Radovan thinks this one at Cape Sounion near Athens even beats the sunset over the Morava, a river near his village. (Bending the rules a bit today, with three photos.)
Cape Sounion is renowned for the ruins of the ancient Temple of Poseidon, the god of the sea in classical mythology. The celebrated English Romantic poet (and destroyer of public property!) Lord Byron engraved his name somewhere on them! Radovan looked and looked, but couldn't find it.
Here's a photo of all the visitors getting ready for their own personal sunset shoot.


bobbie said...

These are just spectacular pictures. The first in particular is, as you say, greathtaking. I love all 3.

marley said...

As they are three great photos we'll let you off!! That is a beautiful sunset, its a shame you weren't alone to enjoy it! :)

Lilli & Nevada said...

Oh i love that first photo, i hope they all got some great sunset shots, looks like a neat place to visit

Dan said...

Oh my that first picture is spectacular. I just of it!

Louise said...

That view is obviously worth waiting with a bunch of other people for a spectacular sunset picture!

Chuck Pefley said...

Sure hope Radovan had sunscreen with him :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Bibi: These a some wonderful SWF shots, nicely done.

Virginia said...

Your sunset is a showstopper . I am absolutely awestruck. Wonderful!

SandyCarlson said...

I love the tourists. Brings back memories. These are wonderful sky shots.

Jelly said...

Nice shots! I love the way you positioned Radovan amongst the ruins in the second one.

Louis la Vache said...

"Louis" agrees with Radovan!

Spectacular sunset!

Anonymous said...

Great photos! The sunset is stunning! said...

awesome light you've captured!

Tom said...

You bent know rules with 3 pictures... the top one by the river is beautiful..... and the last.. well all those sky watches out and about having fun.. ha!..well captured.

Tash said...

Breathtaking indeed. I love Radovan pondering the ancient columns. His pose is so characteristic of his countrymen of that generation. :)

Meead said...

Thank you for your comment Bibi.

Very nice shot of sunset. I love to visit Greece. I'm sure you'd like Iran if you visit it. We have lots of historical places which remains from ancient Persian civilization, King Cyrus.

Have you ever heard about Persepolis? Visit this page for some interesting information and photos.

Anonymous said...

Great photos here.
Splendid colours and lighting.

Marie Reed said...

I like the soft ripples... very calming.

Unknown said...

Fantastic shots - I bet Radovan was impressed!

Oh, how I long to see those views again - thanks for getting me part-way there!

Bodge's Bulletin

AphotoAday said...

Interesting shots...
Hope you are enjoying a great Sky Watch Friday, or what's left of it for you...

Jane Hards Photography said...

Here's to rule breaking! How the light changes around the world. Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to know Byron a grafitti artist! I am shocked to the core on this news. A wonderful poet and hero to the Greeks so I shall forgive him. Marvellous collection, all so different. Radovan has chosen places to visit on his hols!

Adella May said...

They're all great shots! Do any of those people do SkyWatch.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.