Monday, August 11, 2008

What a scoop!

The latest "scoop" for Serbian readers is that instead of paying 25-60 dinars a scoop for ice cream (sladoled=SLA-doe-led) here in Belgrade, if you drive three hours down to the town of Pirot (PEER-rut) near the Bulgarian border, you can get a cone for only 5 dinars a scoop! Currently, there are around 50 dinars to $1.00, so you can see what a deal this is. People of Pirot, or Piroćanci (PEER-row-chahn=tsee) are known for their thriftiness, much as the Scots are, and don't like to spend money when they don't have to. That's my husband's hand modestly accepting just one scoop (kugla=KOO-gla) of strawberry ice cream. Note that Serbs wear their wedding bands on their right hands, according to Serbian Orthodox practice.


Becky said...

Ooh, that's a great deal! It might be worth paying for the flight over from America! ;o)

That ice cream looks delicious, too. This is a great shot. Action and relaxation all in one shot.

Riccardo said...

becky... and more cheap for me from Italy!!! we could organize a big bus of Bibi blog's readers and go to Pirot for ice cream.

here in my city the German community wears wedding ring at right hands.

did your husband enjoy that ice cream? was it good?

Louis la Vache said...

Ah ha! And "Louis" just returned from a place called Ici - "Ice cream made here," having paid $3.75 for two scoops.

"Louis" is VERY picky about ice cream. He only likes two kinds: home made and store bought...

Pat said...

Hi there, viewers! Riccardo, yes, the ice cream was very good. Not overpoweringly sweet. They had so many flavors, and they all looked good. I had a chocolate one....

Anonymous said...

Yum yes I'd like one of those ice-creams

Virginia said...

That's a sweet deal for sure!

Meead said...

It's so cheap, even cheaper than ours in Iran. An ice cream includes three scoops costs at least $0.5 in Mashhad. What you may find so cheap in Iran is fruit. Most of the fruits and vegetables(banana, apple, cherry, grape, peach and etc) cost less than $1 for one kilogram. A pizza costs $3.75

Meead said...

Bibi, I forgot to tell you that I'm a civil engineer. Environmental engineering and water resources management is on of jobs civil engineers do. Are your husband and son civil engineer? or they studied another major?
As a civil engineer who is interested in environmental issues, please say my kind hello to them. Tell them: Keep working, we will save the earth.

vero said...

Jedan kugla for me! said...

I love to hear details of how people live in far away lands. You could never get a deal like that here on Long Island, at least as far as I know.
Interesting about the wedding ring as well.

marley said...

What a great price! But I'd want two scoops! Great post :)

Kim said...

Bibi, If I keep reading your blog regularly I'll be able to converse with Serbians before long! And I did wonder about his ring or if the image was perhaps reversed, so thanks for that interesting information.
Re. saving a $1.00 or so on a scoop of ice cream. . . am I the only person wondering who would pay for three hours worth of gas to drive for the less expensive ice cream? In US west coast freeway terms, 3 hours drive is about 200 miles or about 8 gallons of gas in an average car. Depending on your gas prices, it might not be much of a bargain to make the trip, but it WOULD undoubtedly be very fun! Hope you enjoyed it. It looks wonderful. I'm with Louis in my ice cream tastes ;^),
Seattle Daily Photo

Jane Hards Photography said...

Interestinng insight about the wedding ring. I would drive anywhere for the tastiest ice cream, and the
lower price would be the added extra.

soulbrush said...

i scream,
you scream,
we all scream
for ice cream!

Chuck Pefley said...

Bibi, what a great collection of posts over the past couple weeks. Just catching up now. Poor Radovan ... no time for love since YOU hurried him off. Shame, shame! Love the poodles ... obviously they are both checking out old man Radovan :)

Interesting difference in price between the two towns ... why such a great price difference?? Also interesting the Eastern Orthodox custom of wedding band placement.


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.