Sunday, September 14, 2008

Welcome to Airport City!

Airport City Belgrade, located in New Belgrade, is a complex of 12 glass buildings used for office and retail space. I live not far away. The complex is situated on the site of the old Belgrade airport, which was built before WWII, and later destroyed by the Germans in 1944. Because parking is so difficult in the older parts of the city, many foreign and local businesses like the pictured UniCredit Bank and Telenor are seeking office space across the Danube in New Belgrade.

Note: I was checking out USElaine's yesterday, as I often do, and saw that she has been blogging for a half a year. More power to her. Then, since a little bell went off in my head, I checked "Yankee" and see that my first post was on March 14th, so I am also a half-year blogger!


USelaine said...

Congratulations to you too, Bibi! Pursuing this hobby has taken me places I never thought to look, even in the little town of Willits. The bonus is discovering other windows on the world, like yours.

Virginia said...

E. is right, this is a great way to see the world from your keyboard and the added plus is the nice people you meet along the way. Congratualtions my friend.

Interesting photo today. I thought the Eagle had landed or something like that.

Alexa said...

Just sent my congrats to elaine (heard about her anniversary here, from you), and now let me say the same to you. I now know just how hard it is to come up with an image every day, and yours are always good! So keep it up, please.
Am meeting some of the NYC daily bloggers (and Chuck Pefley from Seattle) tomorrow, and still looking forward to meeting you too one of these days.

Hilda said...

The phenomenon of companies moving out of busy city centers seems to be happening all over the world.

Congratulations to you too, Bibi! I hope that you will be blogging for more years to come!

Tash said...

The airplane is awesome & the buildings look like very nice places to work.
Congratulations on your 180 days of wonderful, interesting posts.

Marie Reed said...

I'll have to see how long I've been blogging ! I have no clue. Here is a yummy cake for your half year b day!

Webradio said...

Hello Bibi !

Avion à décollage vertical ? Wouah !

Merci pour les rappels de l'Histoire...
Hello Bibi!

Vertical takeoff aircraft ? Wow !

Thank you for the reminders of History ...

soulbrush said...

hey congrats....and there's an award for you on my blog!

Knoxville Girl said...

congratulations - daily blogging takes determination, but the rewards are great - at least I've found that to be the case in the CDP group. Oh the places you'll go!
That airplane is freaking me out too.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.