Wednesday, October 8, 2008

ABC Wednesday "L" is for "lashes"

At Belgrade's recent annual Flower and Plant Show, I caught this seller taking time out to refresh her make-up. Gotta get those lashes ready to flutter. Join ABC Wednesday at:


MuseSwings said...

She's got that Lucy thing going on! Great picture. You should be a detective with your wonderful sectetive shots of life.

Anonymous said...

lovely colors there. :)

Jill said...

I love all the colors going on in your photo. Are those dyed corncobs on the right?

Jane Hards Photography said...

There is something very '60's swinging London about her. Quite right to see to those lashes. girl can never have too much mascara.

Anonymous said...

oh wow... i admire your courage to take photos of people... i am afraid to that because they might get angry at me. but this is a nice shot!

My L pictures are posted here and here. Hope you can drop by, too! Thanks!

Webradio said...

Hello !
Jolies couleurs dans cette photo...

It's cute !

Virginia said...

I just knew B would be all over this one. I love it too. Great street portrait and the composition is so g reat!

Rinkly Rimes said...

What a fascinating "L" photo! If the lady had been beautiful it wouldn't have been nearly as 'telling'. One feels there's a story there! I wonder what her lover looks like!

Pat said...

Thanks, folks. Here's something for Shutterhappyjenn, and for you others who want to take sneaky shots. This photo was NOT taken really on the sly, but just with my 80mm lens. However, I have just bought a little toy that I'd had years ago, but no more. It's called a 90° spy right-angle adapter for SLR cameras, and is yours from Lord of the Lens (Don't you just love that name?) in New York at That way, you can point straight ahead while taking a photo of something/someone on your right or left...or even up or down, for that matter. Have fun.

Virginia said...

Oh Bibi, you are too sneaky. The paparazzi will be after you for sure. I will have to buy a decent flash before I get this way cool lens!

Petrea Burchard said...

Bibi, you're a genius at people shots.

Now I'm going to go to Lord of the Lens and imitate you.

Louis la Vache said...

Ah Ha! Now we know! You're a secret paparazzi! What with your sneaky lens! Hired out to the National Enquirer, have you?! ;-)

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Hello Dear Bibi,
Re your comment on my entry: I had participated in October's monthly theme with a different lines image (I got the impression you thought I skipped it), and I know about November's theme, how synchronistic that the book fair is coming up soon!

I think this lady fits in wonderfully with her colorful surroundings. Nice capture.

marley said...

Great action photo. I love how the flowers frame her. Good work.

Bear Naked said...

You sneaky devil you.
That shot is wonderful and I doubt that it would have been the same if you had pointed the camera directly at her.

Bear((( ))) said...

this is perfect! what a capture.

soulbrush said...

i honestly think you should make a book of all these photos, i am sure it would sell. they are fantastic, each and every one.

Chuck Pefley said...

Hah! All I could do was chuckle over this photo! Gilding the lilly? Thorn amongst the roses (figuratively)?

MuseSwings said...

A is for Award - I have one for you! Stop by.

Marie Reed said...

Every girl needs a second swipe of black gook!

MuseSwings said...

Ha! You've done it! Your new banner is wonderful!
Cynthia said...

fantastic shot. perfect!

Jay said...

Now that's a truly original 'L'! Well done!

Nice picture, too. Very autumnal!

Kim from Hiraeth said...

Great snap!

Becky said...

This is a fantastic catch! She's trying to match what she's selling! Excellent post. And what a fun event.


This phone 'booth' has been in this place for ages. I may just pass at the wrong time, but I have never seen anyone using it. I thin...