Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dare to eat me!

Last Sunday, which was another gorgeous Indian Summer day, my son and I drove to Kovačica (Ko-VAH-cheet-sa), a village about a half an hour from Belgrade. This predominantly ethnically Slovak village is known throughout the world for its naïve (self-taught) painters. The tradition was started in 1939 and advanced in the 1950’s when several peasants took to painting scenes from their daily lives. Neither of us paints, but we did put our artistic talents to work on the Wiener Schnitzel my son ordered for lunch by rearranging the fries. Maybe I should have saved this one for Halloween.


Webradio said...

Bonsoir Bibi !
Sommes-nous invité à manger ???

Richard Lawry said...

Must be post modern surrealistic food art :)

An Arkie's Musings

Virginia said...

Bibi, How much fun you had with your son! I wish I could decipher all the ingredients. I am still sad I won't see you in Paris! :( Boo hoo, but I DO understand.

MuseSwings said...

Bon Appetite! I love playing with my food. Glad you have passed that yummy art down to your son! said...

Yummy, this looks quite appetizing.
Your skywatch was very original as well!

Webradio said...

Pfff ! I didn't see the figure in the lunch... Very nice ! Your son is cool...

USelaine said...

"Bite me!"

You're a nut, in just the right way. 8^)

soulbrush said...

so funny, we used to love wiener shnitzel years ago in south africa...yum yum.....i was playing with sweet potatoes yesterday while you were playing with this...

marley said...

Very creative! Did it taste good?

Daryl said...

I hope it tasted as good as it looks .. clever use of those olives!


Becky said...

I love doing that! When I was a teenager I had a thing for smiley faces, and would find them in anything. (Or make them.) This brought a smile to MY face.

Kim said...

Creativity strikes at the oddest of places and times! Very fun (and nice lighting!).
Seattle Daily Photo

vero said...

Funny photo and good food.

Louis la Vache said...

heeheehee! "Louis" thought you had taught your son not to play with his food - instead you are right there aiding and abetting him!

Both of you: go sit in the corner facing the wall for an hour without dessert!

Alexa said...

Such fun! Reminds me of my friend Joie—she's in her 80s—who sculpts little birds and animals out of the white part of her dinner roll.

Marie Reed said...

Ahhh! I love your wiener schnitzel composition! I'll dare! I want to spritz that lemon wedge over the meat and dig right in:)

Chuck Pefley said...

Hah! This lovable face reminds me just a bit of the Cookie Monster on Sesame Street -:)


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!