Monday, October 13, 2008

Laugh, and the whole world....

...laughs with you. This girl was undoubtedly thinking happy thoughts, or else she was very pleased to see these brilliant, gigantic flowers at Belgrade's recent Plant and Flower Show. She even kept smiling when she saw me take this photo.


marley said...

Great smiley photo to start the week :)

Alexa said...

Bibi -- this is such a great photo! Went back to see what you've been putting here while I was Internet-less (some wonderful things), but left a comment only on your Oct. 2 post.

MuseSwings said...

Those flowers made me smile too!

Virginia said...

Wow I want those flowers! They make me laugh too. G reat shot of this cute girl and the posies.

Chuck Pefley said...

With gorgeous flowers like these what's not to smile about?

Copenhagen said...

Pretty shot and smile.

Louis la Vache said...

The smile and the flowers in the photo put a smile on your audience's faces, Bibi! What a great capture!

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Nice cheerful photo!

I also have a photo of these flowers (from the Fair) but with a woman next to them who looks rather UNhappy. I prefer yours. :)

Webradio said...

Hello Bibi !
The flowers are very nice...
And the girl has a very pretty smile...

See You later.

Anonymous said...

beautiful flower colors. :O

Petrus said...

Yes she looks very happy - good shot ..

soulbrush said...

and the flowers look like they are smiling too!

Tash said...

An excellent photograph.

J.C. said...

These colourful flowers can really cheer one up! No wonder the girl is all smile! I would too! :o)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.