Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hard times for many all the time.

With the world's financial crisis the way it is, many people are justifiably worried about their savings. But there many others who, for whatever reason, have never known what it is to save or even be able to save or live a comfortable life. I've seen these homeless fellows downtown for a long time. They're always in this same place, and for them it is their home. In the dead of winter they disappear, most likely to one of Belgrade's shelters, but always return.


Becky said...

Sometimes I wonder if maybe they are wiser than we are; they have nothing to lose as our economies continue to dip. But I think that when the economies pick back up (which I'm certain they will), we remember these folks and take the time to notice them...and perhaps do them a kindness or two.

Anonymous said...

Yes, those same guys are always there, from ever since I can remember.

Marie Reed said...

I hope that they are snuggled in a shelter with a bowl of hot soup.

Anonymous said...

Maybe one is God or Jesus sitting there? My mother always told me to treat strangers or the poor like they were Jesus, especially those who knock on the front door. Apparently the city only gives them tolerance to stay there as long as people do not complain.

It is the same here although we do not have people on the streets yet.

Our financial crisis is coming to our city though and people have lost jobs, cars and homes.

We took in our daughter, our granddaughter and the black panther because they could no longer make it on their own.

Anonymous said...

B92 made a documentary about these two. You can find it on Youtube, just search for "ciklotron survival", it has english subtitles. Pretty depressing stuff.

Dan said...

It is heartbreaking to see human beings living like this isn't it? Thanks for reminding us that others live hard and difficult lives.

Webradio said...

Very hard for many people yes !
And the cold weather is arriving...

Richard Lawry said...

There are so many that have things difficult. We all need to have compassion, and the wisdom to know what we each one can do to help relieve the world's suffering

An Arkie's Musings

Pat said...

AGK, thanks for alerting me to the Youtube link. I searched under "ciklotron B92," but it isn't there---removed? If you can find it and send the exact link, I'd be grateful.

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to the video. If it doesn't work just copy and paste it.

Virginia said...

Ahhh, now that I have gotten to know some of the homeless in our area, I am hopefully even more tolerant of the situations that others find themselves in. I quoted my grandmother on Petrea's blog today. It seems to fit here also, " Judge not, that ye be not judged." It is so easy to look the other way and mutter under your breath, that there are jobs to be had if they would just take one. Sadly, it's not as easy as it seems.
Abe had a good point, as he always does. Bless you Abe.

Chuck Pefley said...

We have a number of regulars here, too.

Louis la Vache said...

The parish "Louis" et Mme la Vache attend welcome some of the homeless to the coffee hour after the 11:00 service. There are some regulars who appreciate the plate of food they receive. The parish also hosts a homeless shelter for two weeks each winter.

Jonathan Davis said...

Hi Pat,

These guys "live" just up the road from me and despite their ragged appearance they seem to have food, booze and plenty of company.

I suspect they are members of the voluntary street people, the type who run away from hostels and government accommodation because they prefer the streets. In London it is because the hostels are so often violent and otherwise dangerous places.

One of these guys has the most incredible gravelly voice, it really is a marvel to hear.

Every now and again I see that they get a new mattress, I suspect they are donated by neighbours.

Even the street cleaners leave them alone on condition that they


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.