Friday, November 28, 2008

Skywatch Friday-Landmark Lineup

Still cold, but sunny now. This couple is walking in part of the vast Ušće park in New Belgrade. Visible behind them are several landmarks that I've shown you before. From left to right you have The Eternal Flame, then the Beogradjanka building, which used to house a department store and offices, the rounded dome of Saint Sava Cathedral, the Ušće Tower, which had been bombed in 1999 and now is a fancy office building (renovated!), and under the crane is the site of a huge new shopping center, which will feature IKEA, among other shops. WOO-hoo.

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marley said...

Ikea is getting everywhere! Yay! I love it!

Great sky watch photo. I like the tower.

Kris McCracken said...

This is a great image.

Hope said...

A very nice photo for SkyWatch! Yes, IKEA is amazing! I've been to the IKEA in Atlanta, GA! It's great!

I really like your blog and plan to visit more often!

Torsdag 1952 said...

Wonderful SWF-shot.

Suz Broughton said...

Another dramatic photo! I love it!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Ikea will not infect the island. It's stark and haunting with those two almost disenchanted figures,

Sylvia K said...

There is something stark and haunting about the photo. I love it! Thanks for sharing!

Dan said...

Spreading consumerism! My girls are out shopping today and may have been swallowed by the IKEA monster!

Naturegirl said...

It's always a treat to see different worlds on SWF! My skies are grey and cold here in Canada too! :(

Unknown said...

Hello hello, I came over from Soulbrush, cause this little dog with his funny teeth looked so sweet, and look what I find! I don't know why it is that even if we have cyberspace to our disposal, we stay a lot "inside" our own restricted connection (well I guess we can't go to every blog, or else we should make ourselves double).

Love these pictures, I know nothing about Serbia and so I find it refreshing to look at this and to lean something about it.
Have a wonderful Sunday



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.