Friday, November 14, 2008

Skywatch Friday---up and away!

I've been saving this one for a Skywatch. It was taken not long ago during Belgrade's Air Show. I didn't attend, but watched from our terrace...and snapped a couple of photos. I'm not good on names of aircraft, but you can click on the photo and see if you know what kind of aircraft was emerging from this cloud. If you'd like to join Skywatch, click on:


marley said...

I'll be brave and say its a jet of some sort! The sky is so blue, perfect for plane spotting :)

Webradio said...

"Un mirage" ???

Nice photo !

Meead said...

Hi Bibi, how're you doing? Nice skywatch shot. :) miss you

Meead said...
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Unknown said...

The composition is just great! Well done!

soulbrush said...

yes the utter blueness of that sky struck me it's midnight here, i guess i'll do my post now too, then bedtime.hsf

Suz Broughton said...

Boy that's blue! Well done.

Virginia said...

Right to save it for a special day. It's a winner. Maybe that's moi heading to Paris???

Tash said...

Great shot with the fighter emerging from the cloud! I think its a MiG-29A but to be sure I'd need to ask my 13-yr-old expert.

Dan said...

Looks like an F-14 tomcat to me. Nice pic and what a ride that must be!

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Great timing on your part and a great sky on God's part. Beautiful shot!

MuseSwings said...

Nice shot! I saw the Endeavor take off from the space center this evening - even though we are on the opposite side of Florida we could see the flames and orange glow as it make it's way across the full moon and into space. Very Cool!!!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

wow! you got it just right!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Trust Virginia to get Paris in there.
I can't see her waving so must be another tourist. It's a great shot.

Juliette said...

I asked my students at the Ecole nationale d'aérotechnique in Quebec to take a look:

"Il s`agit d`un Mig29 ,j`en suis sur a 95% ,dans la famille des MIG." [Rafik]

"It could be a MIG-29 from mikoyan a russian manufacturer or maybe a SU-27 from sukhoi" [Norvel]"


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.