Wednesday, December 31, 2008

ABC Wednesday "X" is for....

I was stumped for an X-word for my maritime photo, so I Googled "words beginning with X," and on I found:

--xebec, a small three-masted pirate ship;
--xeme, a fork-tailed gull;
--xanthometer , an instrument for measuring color of sea or lake water. (Not river water, apparently.)

None of these are in my photo, so I'll just call it "X is for tables with legs like X-es."

Happy New Year!

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Virginia said...

Perfectly perfect interpretation Bibi! My love to you and your sweet family as you greet this new year with sweet rememberances and hope for the future.

Bob Crowe said...

Very clever. The boat below the X-shaped chairs adds a lot of visual interest. Excellent composition. Best wishes for a happy 2009.


Suz Broughton said...

Happy New Year! Wonderful photo.

Thérèse said...

En tout cas la photo est eXtra!

anthonynorth said...

An imaginative post all round. Xellent.

Tash said...

Very clever 'X' indeed. It's always a hard one.
Wishing you and your children all the best in the New Year. You are in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

X is one of those letters that have no meaning or nearly so, but the medicine I have to inhale and inhaled every four hours while in the hospital is Xopenex an inhalation solution. I think your photo shows some x's too.

I hope to see you in 2009. Let's forget 2008 like we forgot 2007 and 2006. Things should be much better in politics and hopefully the environment will be treated with more respect, care and tolerance. Happy New Year.

Maki said...

Very creative! Thank you for your dedication.

Wishing you all the very best in the New Year.


Srecna Nova Godina :o)

soulbrush said...

ha ha what a good idea. wishing you and your kids a ver happy new year and hoping it will be a healthy one too and not too lonely without your beloved husband by your side. hugs xxx

Reader Wil said...

I wish you a lot of strength and new courage to start 2009 with your children.

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Srećna Nova godina!

Great x photo, and thanks for the list. :)

MuseSwings said...

'Xactly perfect Xplanation! Happy New Year, my dear bloggyfriend!

Dragonstar said...

X-ellent photo, and a great list. Very creative.

Happy New Year from the ABC team!

Chuck Pefley said...

Cool find Bibi!

Happy New Year!!

Bear Naked said...

That is an eXtraordinary photo for today.
Happy New Year dear Bibi.

Bear((( )))

Jane Hards Photography said...

As you know I love discovering new words so this is a gift. That's a very peaceful image too.

Kim said...

I love the misty background and tack sharp foreground, all the horizontal lines and that funky rhythm the alternating tables and chairs create. The white, black, red, and gray, and that chocolately water all work for me, too.
Seattle Daily Photo


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.