Monday, December 29, 2008

Tropical Belgrade

You can have the best of both worlds, or sort of, here in Belgrade. Visit one of the city's floating bars or restaurants, many of which offer a view of the city. How about "Karibi," which, after a few shots of rakija or šljivovica (RAH-kee-yuh/SHLEE-vo-veet-sa), local brandy/plum brandy, just might make you imagine you're in the tropics. You'll feel warmer anyway.


Maki said...

Could use a little Caribbean this time of year.

Some "vruca rakija" goes a long way :o)

Ziveli, Branka

Virginia said...

I'll drink to that. Good one BIBI. Hope you and your family had a good Christmas. I have had you all in my thoughts and prayers this season.

Tash said...

It looks pretty chilly there - a little warming up with sljivovica seems like a good idea. Another interesting & funny juxtaposition.
Does the tower belong to Saborna Crkva? I can recall being in Beograd only twice (but I had been there as a little kid) in my teens & early twenties, while visiting from US. I walked around Kalimegdan & remember writing postcards at a restaurant in a high-rise building. Sadly, I was not interested in achitecture or churches back then & missed seeing a lot of things. I do still own an okarina & a square basket from Etnografski muzej.

soulbrush said...

ha ha what a fun picture, still looks mighty brrrr to me. see my post yesterday for your lovely photos you sent me. thanks i love them.

marley said...

Nothing better than a drop of brandy to warm the inner heating system. Keep on drink and you'll soon forget all about the winter!

Thérèse said...

It looks like a lot of people need šljivovica these days around the world...
Your picture depicts the idea of cold very well.

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

I would need not only rakija but also maybe a tequila worm to think I was in the tropics today. ;)

Clueless in Boston said...

Speaking of views, I saw a European company on a Sunday morning news magazine show that offers to lift diners into the sky to offer them spectacular views a few hundred feet in the air. Perfect if you are in NYC, or Paris, etc.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.