Monday, February 2, 2009

"Bibi" is older today than yesterday....

...but then, who isn't? Today though, I would have to add a new digit when writing my age. It's Groundhog's day, too. Behind this scrumptious chocolate cake I made (to be eaten later on with friends, plus a generous serving of vanilla ice cream), is me when I was one, and in front is a stuffed groundhog given to me by a friend.

I'd been tagged by Therese in Chandler and Soulbrush, so I am writing with some delay six random things about me:
  1. I love to shop at thrift shops and garage sales;
  2. I open books to smell the paper;
  3. When I'm feeling under the weather, I eat plain spaghetti with lots of garlic and olive oil;
  4. My favorite weather is autumn, cool and crisp, with the smell of burning leaves;
  5. I can be a long time alone, but not lonely;
  6. When I find a lost item, I go to great lengths to find its owner, much like Amelie Poulain.
So there you have it! Enjoy a piece of cybercake; wish you could really try some!


Mim said...

Well Happy Birthday to you! How wonderful that you have that delicious chocolate cake to eat - and with vanilla ice cream. You were quite adorable at 1 year old.
I can completely relate to your 6 things!

Happy Birthday again

PJ said...

Anyone who is a friend of Amelie's is a friend of mine. '~)

Clueless in Boston said...

Happy Birthday, and many more. The cake looks delicious. My favorite quote is by Harry Truman, who said, "the only thing better than cake is more cake."

Chuck Pefley said...

What fun! And because your birthday is on Groundhog Day I think that must mean you get to repeat it again tomorrow. Quick year, for sure! LOL!! Happy Birthday(s)!

Chuck Pefley said...

What fun! And because your birthday is on Groundhog Day I think that must mean you get to repeat it again tomorrow. Quick year, for sure! LOL!! Happy Birthday(s)!

Debby said...

Happy Birthday tooooooooo yoooooouuuu!

Reap the rewards of a life well lived, and enjoy that cake.

Virginia said...

Oh ( wipe a tear) how nice to know these special things about you my friend. I am eating piece of cybercake with you and drinking a glass of wine in your honor. Have a very special day and know we all send our love.V

Anonymous said...

We are a little less than 2 hours away from Punxsutawney and keep saying we're going to go one Groundhog Day, but never do.

Happy birthday.

MuseSwings said...

What a beautiful 1 year old! Happy Birthday, Bibi. By wishing you a happy birthday I have avoided another 6 weeks of winter - spring will come early. We have much in common - especially the spaghetti, the smell of books and autumn. Enjoy your day and thank you for the cybercake - delicious!

Tash said...

Happy Birthday 2 U! Srecan rodendan! What a 1-yr-old cutie.
I enjoyed learning about your 6 things. I quite like thrift stores and garage sales, and the fall days (although, as you know, the closest to the aroma here is when the fireplaces get used)

Rosie said...

Hey Bibi
Hope you have a fantastic day!

Marie Reed said...

Happy Birthday!! I'm not sure if I'd be willing to share that cake:)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Happy Birthday Bibi. I have visions of you running through Belgrade with camera, the other Bibi and lost item searching for the owner. Have a fabulous day. L

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Bibi. It's a nice sunny day today here in Belgrade as well!

Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. I hope you have many more. I also enjoyed your photo from the past.

Hilda said...

I don't have cake in the house right now, but I'll have a bar of chocolate to celebrate with you! Happy birthday, Bibi! May you have a wonderful day full of love and laughter.

You and my husband share #2 and I share your #5. With your #1, I think you'll greatly enjoy Manila! :)

Thérèse said...

Happy birthday Bibi !
It seems that the weather is on your side today. Because of our climate here the first signs of spring are already showing.
Thanks for sharing…

angela said...

Happy birthday, Bibi. I hope you enjoy your birthday and the cake. (I wish I could share it too)

marley said...

Happy birthday to you! I hope that cake tastes as good as it looks :)

soulbrush said...

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear aqua
happy birthday to you
and many mooorrreeeeeee.....

i am eating a slice of that cake as i write this...yum yum.

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Happy Birthday!!! I hope it was wonderful.

Saretta said...

Happy happy birthday! (You were a real cutie at age one!)

Chuck Pefley said...

Curious, Bibi ... did you "lose the Argument" :-) ... saw it but in Reader, but then it sank ... ??

Kris McCracken said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Tasmania!

USelaine said...

Blessings Bibi, you marvelous pooch! 6^)

Anonymous said...

Late wishes for a very Happy Birthday! Am I too late for cake - would deserve to miss it being behind. Hope you had a lovely celebration - and many, many more!

Anonymous said...

Srecan Rodjendan, Bibi!
I am glad that we share a birthday month :)

Branka M.

nonizamboni said...

Happy birthday and thanks for sharing the loot and your random traits. I especially appreciated the Rottweiler guard dog.
Have a great week!

Kim said...

Thank you for sharing your lovely, luscious cake! Many happy returns of the day. You were a lovely child and are a beautiful and very talented woman. It is so fun to see your sweet little one year old self. I hope you ate the biggest piece!
Seattle Daily Photo

Tea Time With Melody said...

Happy Birthday Bibi, the cake looks delicious.

raf said...

Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you, Bibi! It will be easy to remember this from now on since my oldest close friend from childhood is a groundhog birthday kid too. Chocolate cake and good company sounds perfect for the occasion!

P.S. I really like plain spaghetti with lots of garlic and olive oil too, even when I'm not under the weather. :)

Nomad said...

Happy Birthday, sorry I am few days late ;)


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!