Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Waiting for the water taxi

In the top photo, a man awaits the arrival of the yellow water taxi, which arrived a few moments later, and he hopped on. He'll be transported across to the river island you see in the background, where he may have a houseboat, or might just be visiting friends. The cat didn't go with him...

Note the killer icicle in the bottom photo. Though this one doesn't pose any clear danger*, there have been a couple of cases of icicles falling on passers-by downtown.

*Although in the photo it appears likely to fall on boats passing by, the icicle is hanging too close to the deck's outer side to be of any real danger.


Alexa said...

Cool! (literally—that's some icicle).
So are there no cars on the island? And does the ferry run until a certain hour or all night too? I'd hate to live over there and get stuck over here!

Lowell said...

Fascinating and beautiful. So cold looking, though.

Marie Reed said...

I love the little kitty in the first photo too. I wonder if she will hop on the water taxi too!

Anonymous said...

I like the water taxi. I am reminded that we have a killer icicle that always hangs from the same corner of our roof and I have to have somebody knock it down. It is as big around as my arm.

Brookville Ohio

Thérèse said...

A yellow cab in Belgrade!

Jane Hards Photography said...

No killer icicles here. The cat seemingly waiting patiently in line to board the taxi amused me no end.

Obelix said...

Is that yellow romboid trafic sign in the river, or attached on the "roof" of "taxi"? Because, I've never seen trafic signs in the water.

Pat said...

Hi, Obelix! It's on the boat!

Pat said...
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Virginia said...

That's a cold way to travel!! Brrrrrrr


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!