Sunday, March 15, 2009

Franklin College in Belgrade!

What better way to spend my one-year blog anniversary yesterday than to spend a couple of hours with a delightful group of American students from Franklin College , located in Lugano, Switzerland? The students were on an academic tour of parts of the former Yugoslavia, where they'd not only seen sights, but attended lectures related to their majors. Naturally, the highlight was a lecture by yours truly (ha, ha), who enlightened them on the Cultural Differences Between Serbs and Americans. I truly enjoyed every minute of being with them, and I hope they did, too. (Oh, and by the way, the lecture was at Hotel Moskva !)


Anonymous said...

How neat! From their faces I can tell they enjoyed meeting you and I wouldn't be surprised if you had a few more cyberfriends from this group from now on :)

Branka M.

Richard Lawry said...

I wish I had been there for the lecture.

An Arkies Musings

Lowell said...

Yes, I would have liked to have heard your lecture, too. You must have done well, because they are all awake and smiling!

Kate said...

Congratulations! Blogging on a daily basis sometimes is quite a feat. The group looks attentive and happy; you obviously were a hit!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking that you should write a memoir - there are a lot of immigrants to US but not many the other way. They are lucky to have an expert give the lecture! Is it published? Can we read it?
They are also lucky to be in Lugano. We'd go there to escape the fog in Lucern valley. I had my 1st tiramisu there.

airplane5312 said...

Congrats on your one year blog anniversary. It's a fair amount of work, isn't it. But the rewards are that you get to interact with other bloggers from all around the world. I'm interested in learning more about Belgrade.

soulbrush said...

so nice to have mature students, i used to do tefl for years and enjoyed it so much. what a happy photo.

Anonymous said...

Are you in the picture? Or, did you take the picture? It is a nice photo.

Pat said...

Nope, not in the photo.

Virginia said...

Yes they look very alert following your stimulating lecture. Look at all the new blog followers you have now! HA

Jill said...

Very nice, I'm sure it was a pleasure on both sides.

Thérèse said...

Did you give them your blog's address for them to follow your adventures through Belgrade?

Pat said...


Sure did!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!