Sunday, March 29, 2009

Two Red Heads

Which lady is wearing a hat? Shame on me; that's not nice. But I have always wondered why many women choose this bright, bright red for a hair color.


~Cheryl said...

I work at an all-girls high school & see bright purple, neon green and pinks.....stripes, too. They must be making some sort of statement or just having fun.

B SQUARED said...

Great capture.

alaya said...

they do it, so you take their pictures :)

Virginia said...

HA! I've told all my friends that In Paris, I stick out like a "sore thumb" with my white hair. OH so many bad hair colors!!! As my mother use to say, " Each to his own!" Of course!

Lowell said...

Could it be they are colorblind? Nah. Someone would tell them they look like the wrong end of a dust mop.

Makes for one heck of a picture, though!

Alexa said...

This is a really cool pic, bibi.
Thought about dying my hair red once, then overheard someone (a guy) refer to a woman's hair color as "post-menopausal red." So much for that idea!

Richard Lawry said...

It got your attention didn't it? Now you know why. My daughter is a natural redhead and I love it. Her hair toned down as she got older, but when she was a toddler it was very bright. We told her her hair was orange.

An Arkies Musings

Tash said...

Fun shot.
I had an almost burgandy red wig that I really liked. My mom kept asking me when I'm going back to my natural color (brown). I guess it's just different.

Marie Reed said...

My son wants me to dye his beautiful bright blond hair red! Eeeek!

Ramblings From Spain said...

Haha I loved Alexa's comment about post-menopausal red! Made me laugh as I had my hair quite a vibrant shade of red for a couple of years.. when I was 30 though!

The Spanish people here tend to go for that overwhelming red colour too, and it does nothing for them.. but I guess when you're as dark-haired naturally as they are, it's go red or bleach the heck out of it! Great shot x

Debby said...

I don't mind the red so much as I do the little old ladies who end up with the blue tinted hair. Goodness.

Anonymous said...

The red is definitely better then blue. Maybe she's jealous of her friends hat so she "one-upped" her?

Thérèse said...

Spice to life!


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...