Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ABC Wednesday "O" is for "On Duty"

Here’s a security guard that isn’t exactly sleeping on the job, but he IS reading the newspaper. Mind you, although there have been robberies in broad daylight at the ‘menjacnice’ (exchange offices) around town, there really isn’t a high risk of this happening, and our fellow here probably is aware of that! Wonder if he’d notice if someone quietly slipped out with a big bag…

Join ABC Wednesday here .


James said...

Maybe he's Off duty? In any case it's a good ABC post.

Anonymous said...

He reminds me of the guards on the gate of my apartment. I have caught them many times taking a short nap (but then, they work lots of hours, and sometimes, they get night shifts). At least, nothing bad has happened here.

Virginia said...

Oh well, he looks fairly alert, not sleeping and all. Where are the bags of money?????

Iiiii said...

The one who is employing such 'fit' security guard is probably not expecting that he really do anything...that is just 'pro forma':)
I wanted to ask for a long time (but I forgott:)) - do you speak serbian-croatian language?

Pat said...

Yes, Melrose, govorim srpski! :<)

Tash said...

He may be using the paper as a non-chalant (sp?) cover for his true alertness. I like seeing all the people on the street & I see that 'trenerke su jos uvek popularne, makar za muskarce'. Does anyone still call jeans 'farmerke'?
PS - hope your computer bug problems are over.
I have been wondering if the Serbian language cases come naturally to you now.

Marie Reed said...

You always have the most creative ABC posts!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I've just jumped form Kim Seattle's and amazed at the light you both have in your images today. Fabulous street image, excellent timing. Let hope he has too when needs must.

Rune Eide said...

Even guards must take life easy from time to time.

Mara said...

Perhaps there is a little peephole in the newspaper, so he can check out everyone unnoticed!

soulbrush said...

it's such a lovely sunny day, good for him!

Marie-Noyale said...

Very good shot.
I bet you he would notice those guys have eyes in the back of their heads!!!

Saretta said...

Aw, let the poor guy relax in the sun! :-)

Lowell said...

I love this catches all the people just doing their thing...and I think the security guard is very alert; he's just pretending to be reading the paper, the better to catch the bad guys!

gaz said...

great candid shot.

mine’s here

Alexa said...

I really like this little moment you've captured here. Do agree with the consensus—let the guy enjoy his paper there in the sun for a few minutes!

Reader Wil said...

Interesting photo! You can always trying out to go into the shop and walk away with something beautiful.

Tumblewords: said...

Good post! Maybe he's pretending not to watch. Oh my!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.