Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Theme Day-Yellow/ABC Wednesday "K" is for "Keepsake"

Yes, I know there isn't much yellow on this photo, but I just couldn't resist bragging about how Bibi made this month's cover Belgrade's new English-language publication, Belgrade Mutts. For me, it will be a Keepsake. Created by several ex-pats here who are concerned with Belgrade's stray dog population, the magazine features Mutts of Interest and their stories. In this issue, Bibi tells her heartbreaking story of her life at Katya's (see icon on sidebar) and how she was rescued by the City Daily Photo blogger who uses her name...and photo. Belgrade Mutts is available downtown at your newsstand or to those of you in blogland by subscription. Oh, yes, and by the way....April Fool.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

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ninja said...

Ha ha good one. Wouldn't figure out unless that last two words.

Lowell said...

You fooled me. But I do love the "cover" photo!

Kim said...

Oh, our own sweet little Bibi a STAR! I've always loved her toothy little grin in your avitar shot, and she looks even cuter as a cover girl! Totally cool, and yay for you (and Katya and others. Although I love seeing your dog shots, I know those strays are not living the life they deserve and hope for homes for all of them).
Happy theme day,
(its still the 31st here and I've many hours before I will post).

marley said...

You trickster! Great theme day and April Fool and K post!

Happy all of the above!

Sally said...

Great post! But when you look at the niche market magazines you see, it wouldn't be surprising if some enterprising publisher picks up the idea! Then who are the fools??
Sydney Daily Photo

Jane Hards Photography said...

You naughty Bibi! You really had me going with this one. Wouldn't it be terrific if this idea was actually picked up and Bibi could be a cover star. I bow to you on this one. It certainly fooled me and I usually spot them straight off. Yellow, k, April Fool. Three in one I salute you.

Denton said...

congratulations Bibi ... defiantly a keepsake.

Tash said...

Aprililili! And a good one! You got the 3-in-1 hit. In any case, Bibi is already a CDP blogland star. Even 4, with the mention of Katya.
Happy Theme Day & K-day & April Fool's Day, you clever blogger, you.

Chuck Pefley said...

Hah! A double "gottcha"! You're just so darned clever, Bibi, and pretty cute, too -:)

lavenderlady said...

Well congratulations to you and Bibi!

Iiiii said...

Hi I have just accidentally found your blog (I was looking for djevrek).
I use to live in Bg for about 4 years (in 90's). Originaly I am from Sarajevo, and I am living in Germany at the time.
I have read that you fulfill the -photo-whishes (the Germans would say eine Fotofee=the photo fairy)...:)...if it is not a problem I'd like to see Dorcol, the corner Dusanova - Visokog Stevana 31 - Kralja Petra - Bajlonova pijaca etc...if it is too much trouble never mind:)
Thak you 'vom ganzen Herzen'!!!

raf said...

Dog gone, Bibi, you had me going. As Snoopy might say - Way cool!

Jilly said...

Well I believed it! You must print that out and frame it. A fab post and the second Poisson d'Avril today. Brilliant. Love it, Bibi! Love Bibi's photo too.

Shell Sherree said...

Bibi, je t'adore! You should not only be a cover girl but a nude centrefold as well. You well and truly got me, you gorgeous thing. I bow-wow to your cleverness.

soulbrush said...

now i am confused.....

Mim said...

what a great magazine that would be! Happy Animal Wednesday!

Debby said...

Until I read the two articles listed, I was taken in as well. Happy April to you, and I hope that it warms up where you are. I know you are hungering for spring.

Vicky said...

my first April Fool's joke today!
cute bear-looking dog.

MuseSwings said...

Bibi the Cover Girl! I love the toothy grin and the bright eyes. Bibi looks very content with the April Fools fun.

B SQUARED said...

Dogs rule in any color, any day, any way!

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...


Have a happy April fools day!


Lavinia said...

He's adorable, I love his bottom teeth!

Carolina said...

Hahaha, well done!

airplane5312 said...

Hehe, great shot of a Mutt, and yellow to boot.

Knoxville Girl said...

heehee, Bibi, so photogenic!
and such a clever idea.
happy theme day from an April Fool.

Thérèse said...

Et bien sur je suis tombée dans le panneau! Bien mettre de côté cette photo pour une éventuelle publication. L'éclairage sur la photo est extra! Vive Bibi!

Anonymous said...

Ya got me! Fun!

Stefan Jansson said...

Ha ha, that's a good one!

Shantaram said...

Alright, you did get the theme covered on the titles! Well done!!

Virginia said...

Hook, line and sinker for me! Good one!! I never noticed Bibi had such interesting teeth until today. Makes her even cuter. She could play Toto to my "Dorothy" today!

Dragonstar said...

Well done! Fun and fascinating post!

Marie Reed said...

Poisson D'Avril or Bibi D'Avril! You got me good lady!

Marie-Noyale said...

You got me there for a few minutes!!!
Happy April fools day.
Check your back I sticked a paper fish on your sweater!!!

Anonymous said...

oh, man, topper thought it was real and was really jealous!!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

We were waiting for someone to prank us on April Fool's Day! Way to go!!! That's the cutest underbite around!

Tumblewords: said...

Laughing! This was too cute! Surprised me, for sure, when I reached the ending...

Hilda said...

LOL! You got me there! I was about to congratulate you and Bibi! Such a fun post for theme day!

Kim said...

Oh, don't tell me! You really got me, you stinker. I believed you. Was the line, with April Fool there yesterday? How could I miss that.
Well, she's still a little star.
Oh, I still can't believe I fell for this. Bag over head, muttering to myself. . .

mrsnesbitt said...

You got me too! lol! Amazing how much we learn each Wednesday! Thanks so much for participating!

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Bibi definitely looks ready for her close-up. :) You had me going for a minute too! I was ready to run out to a kiosk to pick up a copy.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.