I'll bet you haven't seen a place like this for a while, if ever. This little shop on King Peter's Street in the Belgrade neighborhood of Dorčol (DOR-choll) makes creams, oils, face powders, hair spray, hair creams, eyeshadow, lipsticks, and perfumes. This shop has been around at least since I came to Belgrade 32 years ago, and was closed when I went by this time. I've always been curious about it...though I'm not a big user of any of the above except perhaps perfume and lipstick, I just might go back out and find out more about the store. Stay tuned.
Don't you just love all the little bottles, especially the Eiffel Tower one?
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I remember going to (or I'd rather say my mom taking me to) a similar store back in the 80's here (when it was harder to buy designer perfumes).
Good choice for P! I don't use much of this sort of thing, either, but I do wear "Paris" perfume—and I wonder of YSL ever considered bottling it in a mini Eiffel Tower, like I see here.
lovely shop window...love that eiffel tower bottle.
do let us know the results when you get a chance to get into the shop. have a lovely wednesday.
Now if you find the perfect black eyeliner.... This really smacks of nostalgia. I vaguely remember family chemists having their own range and the aromas. Lovely choice.
My asthma is starting to act up just looking at all that scented stuff. It's a good looking picture though.
Oh yes, go back Bibi! I have an Eiffel Tower bottle of eau de toilette from Fragonard. Oh lalal!
I do, I do love the bottles - the E-tower, the little round ones with black gumball tops, the triangular ones, the crystla looking ones. How wonderful that it's still there for you to share. Lovely photo & terrific P post.
especially the Eiffel tower one!
My first thought was you'd made a photo of your dressing table -:) Sheesh!
And they make it all themselves? Wow, perhaps you can get a tour!
As a perfume blogger, fragrance aficionado and student of perfumery, this photo has made my eyes pop!
Next time we are in Belgrade (August), I MUST seek out this store. I am always looking to take home a scented trinket from my holidays.
Would you mind publishing the name of the store for me please?? :)
They make their own? Wow, that's rare nowadays.
One more note: Its not just the window display that I find appealing - its also the wonderful flacons holding oils and formulas sitting on the shelves in the depths of the store. Gimme!!!
I only wear one scent! Violet!
perfume shops make me choke, but i do love peering in the window. what a sight...
That they make their own stuff is fascinating... I wonder if you could go in and have a scent custom made for you.
Oh I love everything on this one..
since I was a little girl I have a "Sweet nose and skin" for perfumes creams and so on...
What I like the most on this shot is the Antique feeling given by the lights on the red woodwork..
Do go back and show us the inside,Pleeeeeease!
I have one like the Eiffel tower; it's made from Avon.
I would go crazy in this little shop. I can't wait to go to France to restock my supply.
May I add I bought my bottle of Fragonard like that one for $2 at a sale at a ritzy shop here. I saw it at the Fragonard Shop at the Louvre for MUCH more!
Marie Reed,
I like violet too. What brand in France??? We like Violette Syrup in our champagne!
Perfume bottles are fascinating! I have some very old ones that amaze me. I hope the shop has reopened!
An unusual display indeed.
I love this window! So many shapes and colours to catch the light - a really attractive display.
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