Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wine to Remember

This is Petar, a retired doctor who lives in a small town near Negotin in southern Serbia. He has a weekend house, and there he makes full-bodied red wine. He's holding two bottles of his last year's production, and my husband and I bought them when we visited him last July.

Today would have been my husband's 62nd birthday, but he passed away suddenly last August. I posted a tribute to him right here and hope you will take time to read it. We are all still so very, very sorry. We will toast his memory this evening with a glass of red wine.


Karl said...

It's for sure a difficult day for you and your family. It echoes my own experience. My loving wife (36 years old, 20 years together) passed away almost excatly last year (breast cancer). It was a terrible day to live. At least, I get the chance to have our 5-years-old daughter by my side.

Lowell said...

Please accept my condolences. I can't imagine what you're going through. Lois Ann and I have been married almost 52 years and...well, our best wishes to you as you work through such a terrible time...

I'll toast your husband's memory tonight, too. With a glass of red wine. Unfortunately, it won't be the doctor's...but it will suffice.

Debby said...

I read this on another blog, and loved it..."May his memory be a blessing".

Anonymous said...

Awww, I'm sure that by doing this, you're keeping him alive (and he'll be always alive in your and your children's memories).

Even though I'm not having red wine tonight, I'll toast to his memory :).

Petar reminds me of my granduncle Agripino (aka Pino) who makes homemade wine, txakolí (a Basque licor), and aguardiente (strong grape licor made like Grappa... it's very popular among farmers to drink it at tea time in the winter and for Christmas in a drink called "Cola de Mono" -Monkey's Tail-). He was born and raised in the countryside and never got married... he always tells really funny stories (my favorites are the one when he got a mobile phone -he only turns it on at lunch and dinner time-, and when he goes shopping with BIG rolls of money).

Tash said...

I love the poem you dedicated to your Ivan and that you showed us how much he succeeded in his life and how much he is loved.

Virginia said...

you know my heart is with you.

LA / nodecaf said...

Thank you for sharing your pain, your memories and this deeply private moment. You enrich us all.

marley said...

Thinking of you and we'll be raising a glass tonight.

Julie said...

such a lovely portrait. And a good way to toast your husband. I am sorry for your loss.

Nomad said...

Please accept my condolences. Thinking of you and we'll be raising a glass tonight.

Chuck Pefley said...

The red poppies seem so appropriate, too. I'll be raising a glass to you, too.

Jilly said...

Oh Bibi, yes I remember your beautiful tribute that day, the photograph of such a good kind man and of course the poem. He died far far far too young.

Thinking of you...

Kim said...

I'm crying all over again reading your sweet and touching tribute. This is a wonderful portrait of the doctor capturing that outing with your husband where you bought the wine together. Thank you for sharing these memories of your love with us.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.