Sunday, June 14, 2009

Water Fun

Never fails. I'm running late, and I get stuck behind these street washers. As you can tell, I took this shot from my car while waiting to go down the street. The water that is used is drinking water. I always thought this was a waste of good water, but the alternative is either not washing down the streets (here they were washing away to somewhere a lot of leaves blown down in a storm the preceding night) or else washing the streets with river water. That water, unfortunately, is often polluted with waste of all kinds....the Danube is more brown than blue here, due to poor enforcement of dumping laws.

Sometimes if you beep at these fellows and point to your windshield, they will happily hose your car down! Gets it quite clean, but make sure your windows are up first...


Lowell said...

I would think my frustration level would rise to the point it could boil that water if I had to wait behind these guys...unless, of course they washed my car...

Pretty good photo from a frustrated lady!

Blogaire said...

Hope it doesn't rain in Belgrade tomorrow! Every night that I water my window boxes it seems to rain the next day.

soulbrush said...

great photo, good way to spend the time.

namaki said...

I agree with you washing the street with drinking water is a waste especially that water will get scarce ...

Leif Hagen said...

Fun photo! Do you think they spray "innocent" people along the way? Water fight between them? Kind regards from the "birthday boy" at EAGAN daily photo

marley said...

My car could do with a high pressured wash down!

Tash said...

Not something you see around here. Great 'local' capture.
I like the narrow, verdant street too.

Chuck Pefley said...

Looks like a great way to keep more people employed, too. And how fun getting your car washed in the process -:))


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.