Wednesday, July 15, 2009

ABC Wednesday "Z" is for 'zoocephalic'

Zoocephalic means 'animal-headed,' and I'll let you look for examples here on this detail of a stained-glass window at The Cloisters, a branch of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art dedicated to the art and architecture of the European Middle Ages. Its collection contains approximately five thousand European medieval works of art, with a particular emphasis on pieces dating from the twelfth through the fifteenth centuries.

If you go to New York, this museum is an absolute must.

Join ABC Wednesday


Mara said...

Not sure I would want that hanging on my living room wall. A bit gruesome, even if it probably isn't. Good choice for z though!

B SQUARED said...

I know many people that resemble that word. said...

this is an amazing piece! I love the Cloisters. Thanks for reminding me of a place I haven't been to in a while.
I love how you captured the man & his doggy too. The dog looks so cute looking up at his master.

Alexa said...

Brilliant choice for "Z"—you've been reading the BIG dictionary, haven't you? Sad to say, I live here and have never been to the Cloisters. You've inspired me to get there soon, Bibi. Thanks!

Thérèse said...

Like some egyptians gods but less nice!!!

marley said...

Well I never. I've learn't a new word today. Interesting and so is the art work.

Juliette said...

Makes me think of my grandfather's movie "Haxan." The exhibit looks fascinating. Would love to see it.

Regina said...

Interesting. Nice one!

Jay said...

Well, there's a new word for me! Obvious when you think of it, but I never have thought of it! Good pic to go with it, too!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.