Monday, July 20, 2009

A BLT and Ham and Cheese, please!

When I'm in the US, I want to eat American food. Not the junk stuff, but good old standard fare, like the two sandwiches above. I did not eat both. The BLT (bacon, lettuce, and tomato) was mine, and my new friend, Alexa, from The Road is Mine (see sidebar!) ordered the ham and cheese. Lily Hydrangea, from Long Island Daily Photo (see sidebar!) ordered a vanilla shake....and a grilled cheese sandwich!

Moving on to Pennsylvania later this week.


ninja said...

It's so cool to see people brought together by blogging.

Alexa said...

And it really was a good ol' American lunch, shared by good ol' American women. I believe one of us wanted the mayo on the side so as not to have too much and the other wanted it on the side for the exact opposite reason! (I plead guilty.)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bibi!

Sure was fun meeting you today at Cafe Revo! Happy travels to you too. Sounds like you'll be back at school in no time.

I'm having a good old hotdog as I type this!


Leif Hagen said...

Delicious photo! Looks like cute little diner food! Yumm!

Louis la Vache said...

Those sandwiches look big enough for 2 meals! YUM!

R.Ferrari said...

Passei por aqui. legal seu blog. parabens. Brasil

B SQUARED said...

N.Y., Seattle, Penna., boy, you do get around.

marley said...

Yummy! BLt is one of my favs. I like the look of the pickles too!


 I watched this couple for quite a while. Each was engrossed in their phones....but then suddenly they shared something. A text, a photo, wh...