Wednesday, August 12, 2009

ABC Wednesday "D" is for "Dinosaur"

Sometimes I really wish I had a backyard...and a very large suitcase to take this guy back to Belgrade with me. I don't know how much he cost, but he's definitely cheaper than he was, if you believe the sign. The little sign he is carrying reads, "No swimming or wading." I think he's convincing enough.



Lowell said...

So funny! What would you do with this in Belgrade besides scare the bejesus out of your neighbors? ;-)

Alexa said...

Well, I'll bet the neighbors wouldn't be doing any swimming—or wading! This is quite a photo!

Mara said...

You would need an airplane just for him!
But if he's half price, you might just be able to rent one!

soulbrush said...

yes he is wonderful,that's exactly what i would take with me too, imagine arriving at the airport with him ....

Jane Hards Photography said...

I'd obey. I know what you mean about a bulging suitcase. France next week and I could take the whole country with me.

Thérèse said...

Did you ask if it could be folded?

Q said...

A wonderful D for sure...
maybe they will ship?

Sylvia K said...

What a terrific "D" word! Maybe they would ship! To be sure I wouldn't be trespassing in your yard! Fun post!


Joy said...

It seems like a bargain. I can almost hear him roar.

Roger Owen Green said...

Try getting it through Customs.

So now I know what happened to the dinosaur; it had a going out of business sale.

Jay said...

My boys would have loved him! One of them still would ... LOL!

Tumblewords: said...

Gotta love that Dude!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.