Wednesday, August 19, 2009

ABC Wednesday 'E' is for 'Everlasting...?'

Is (some) love everlasting? This sign in the Lush soap store in Westlake Mall proclaims that it's not, and that their soaps last longer. So buy one and shower with your sweetie while they last!



Jay said...

Haha! Nice advertising! Very clever. LOL!

By the way, your link in Mr Mcklinky doesn't work. Two x 'http://'

Roger Owen Green said...

Ditto what Jay said. It looks like a broken link to those (unlike Jay) who might not know to change the URL.

B SQUARED said...

And conserve water too.

Roger Owen Green said...

I was able to post your post in the Linky thing (#71). Unfortunately, I wrote Yank instead of Yankee and I can't change it.

Singapoare Plants Lover said...

Lol, fun advertising, by the way, your link in ABC world ia not working, there is a extra "http" in the link...

Roger Owen Green said...

And I figured out why YOU couldn't post again, I think. YOU posted (and presumably tried to post again) the main page; I posted the specific link to the day's post. So if you ever have the same problem, try that.

Kristin - The Goat said...

What a funny sign!

Shirl said...

What a great post!

marley said...

Lol! A cynic in the advertising department!

Q said...

Hummm...I have been married for 37 years and we still shower together...maybe if you start out with a shared shower you will need to buy more soap!

Anonymous said...

I love LUSH!

~JarieLyn~ said...

This is a really delightful photo. I am smiling at the clever advertising. The photo itself is fabulous. The soap looks very lush.....I want some. Everlasting.........great job.

Copenhagen said...

What a funny sign. I never tried these soaps though.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.