Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ABC Wednesday "H" is for 'Hedgeapple'

I've been kicking these round, green, brainlike fruits around the yard for quite some time, without knowing what they are. Bibi chases them, but her mouth is too small to pick them up. So I Googled "round, green, brainlike fruit" and found out they are hedgeapples, just in time for ABC Wednesday's H. How about that?!

Do you have hedgeapples where you live? You can read about them right here.
Why don't you join ABC WEDNESDAY?


Mara said...

They do look like a brain don't they. Can you eat them as well?

James said...

Cool picture Bibi. I was about to say it reminds me of a brain but you beat me to it.

I bet this fruit would be great with a plate of bowels and young bull's sex glands at Znak Pitanja.

Btw, I had my first Tastykake Butterscotch Krimpets this weekend I'm finally becoming a real Pennsylvanian. :-)

Marie-Noyale said...

I have never seen those..
Funny looking!

Sylvia K said...

I always figured my brain was rather green and now I know just what it looks like! Terrific shot! And what a fun post for the day! I have heard of them, but not until I started blogging -- amazing what we can learn!!!

Have a great day!


Richard Lawry said...

Hedge Apples are common here in western Arkansas. They are also called Osage Orange. My brother-in-law carves cooking spoons out of wood. The Osage Orange makes beautiful spoons, but is very difficult to carve.

An Arkies Musings

Anonymous said...

First time I see them... they don't look really nice, I think.

Roger Owen Green said...

How is it that you almost ALWAYS pick things I've never even HEARD of, let alone seen? well done. again.

Christina, Sweden said...

Nice composition
Really looks like a brain, never seen anything like that before

Thanks for showing!

Christina, Sweden

photowannabe said...

I have heard of them but never seen them either. Very strange. Wonder what they are good for.
Fun choice for the letter H.

Martha said...

Great picture, I have not seen one of those in a long time!

My ABC & Watery Wednesday

Tumblewords: said...

I haven't heard of them before - interesting - and so clever of you to find the word in time to blog!

Pat said...

Mara---just click on the 'here' link, and you'll find out a lot about hedgeapples...and no, they're not edible.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It actaually does look like a pickled brain of some kind. How odd, but ceratinly intriguing.

B SQUARED said...

Never saw them, never ever even heard of them.

Kate said...

Perfect and original choice for today. I love the way you presented it in the photo.

It's interesting to see how many daily photo bloggers join this meme.

Lowell said...

"Brainy" for sure! Nice, crisp photo, Bibi!

I wonder if these things are edible?

Probably not.

Have a wonderful afternoon.

Jay said...

I've never seen those before! Thanks for the link - it was a fascinating read. :)

Unknown said...

I want to start collecting them for a Christmas idea.If anyone knows where there are an abundance of these I would be willing to travel within the states to go pick them up.

nonizamboni said...

I've seen them here @ farmer's markets and just recently found out they're used, at least around here, to ward off pests and insects indoors. Hmmm...such an interesting 'fruit' :O)

Thérèse said...

My curiosity made me go to your link... Interesting but I am not sure of what to do if I crossed one on my way, probably kicked it like you did but do you still chase them?

marley said...

Never heard of or seen one of these before. Very interesting.

Tash said...

weird but the color is very interesting. sort of like the new cauliflower/broccolli mix

Alexa said...

How serendipitous! This is the very first time I've seen one of these curious fruits.

Bradley Hsi said...

It does look like a brain, I wonder what does it test like.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

I've never heard of hedgeapples before - amazing - love the post above with the old lady and the young scluptured face.


 Dug out my old  MINOX MINI 5.1 camera,  which always attracts a lot of comments. I have posted before photos taken with it, like  THIS ONE....