Friday, August 21, 2009

What I see in the morning

When I open my eyes every morning (early) here in Seattle, this is what I see before I even get out of bed: leaves against a pale blue sky.

Join Skywatch.


Petunia said...

This is a greta silhouette shot. It look just like Wallpaper:)
Well done!

Petrea Burchard said...

I came to see your seagull and enjoy all your recent photos. I hope you're having a good time in Seattle!

Can't believe it's been a year, Pat. My best to you.

joo said...

Superb silhouette!
I came here via Skywatch and will be back for sure - you've great blog here.
I know Belgrade or maybe I should say I used to know - so it's great to rediscover this city here.
greetings from Poland:)

Jim said...

Sydney - City and Suburbs

marley said...

Great silhouettes!

B SQUARED said...

I might just stay in bed all day gazing out that window.

Regina said...

Very creative. Great shot.

toby said...

That is just beautiful!

Virginia said...

I too thought wallpaper. Great shot Bibi. Hope you're having fun in Seattle and all the other stops along your way. Wish you'd drop down here for a visit. I'd love that!

soulbrush said...

what simple natural beauty.

Alexa said...

I noticed this when we were walking around together, and here's more proof: You always see "the photo!"
This is great.

Marianne said...

Nice shot. Lovely way to wake up. Occasionally I have the moon in my window at night. And that's a great way to go to sleep.

Jilly said...

Marvellous. What a silhouette and how beautiful it is.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.