Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jumping for Joy

This was it---The happy couple and the even happier bride's brother, father-in-law, and best man behind them!

Before the wedding, we all went over to a park to have the photographer take some photos. This shot was his idea; I remained in the background, and copped a few of his set-up shots!

I must say that the wedding itself was FANTASTIC, from the ceremony itself, to the food, and the band. The latter was 'interrupted' at 10:30 p.m. by the arrival of the traditional Gypsy brass band (ooompa-ooompa) that played for a half an hour, then moseyed off.

Now, for 'Bibi,' that's "one down, one to go"! Bride's brother, if you're reading this...!


Alexa said...

And the bride and groom (who can't see the exuberant folks behind them) think THEY'RE the stars of this photo!
This is such a wonderful shot, Bibi—everyone looks so happy (and SO beautiful, btw). I'm really happy for all of you (thanks for sharing!).

LA / nodecaf said...

Congrats to you and your family on this joyous occasion! The photo is perfect - a day of exuberance & celebration. [And I love it that you kept with tradition & even had the Rom brass band!] What a grand time for all the wedding must have been. Much happiness to you and the newly wed couple. May your family always shine in the joy of this day.[Thank you for sharing this private moment with us.]

Thérèse said...

Une photo qui respire la joie de vivre!
Tous nos voeux de bonheur aux jeunes époux.
P.S. Ici trois garçons! lol

Ms. Becky said...

congratulations to you, your family, the bride and groom, and all who enjoyed this wonderful celebration. this photo is fabulous. I enlarged and looked at the joy in the faces. simply magnificent! thank you for sharing, and blessings to you and your family.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful moment! Thank you for sharing it with us. Congratulations and best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Such happy people, and a very beautiful bride.

soulbrush said...

what a gorgeous photo, just perfect. think this was a happy day, wait till you see your first grandchild-not that i am hurryig them...where will they live? and love the new header too. xx

marley said...

They all look so happy. Your daughter looks so beautiful. I'm glad you all had a fantastic day :)

Lowell said...

If you're not the photographer at a wedding, the rule is to follow the photographer and shoot a variation of the scenes he/she sets up.

You followed that rule and did very well!


Beautiful couple! And so glad that all went well...once more, we extend our best wishes to them for a long and happy life together.

Marie-Noyale said...

Would love to see you jump on the other side!!!
My best wishes to the bride and groom and congratulations to the bride's mother!!
I am so happy everything went fine, it' just wonderful memories for you and everybody!

Sajkaca said...

To the newlywed couple all the best! And big compliments to the photographer who captured a great atmosphere!

Kim said...

So fun to see this happy day. It sounds like you all had a memorable and very enjoyable day together. And such a beautiful couple! Hey, they are actually my neighbors. Maybe I'll get to surprise you with a shot of them someday. :-) We would love to see a photo of the mother of the bride, BTW, or just a smidgen of the fabric you wore for the occasion.

Chuck Pefley said...

Hah. Copping the hired help's set-up. -:)))

Congratulations, Bibi! All that planning is but a happy memory and overshadowed by the real thing! I actually considered flying over for this wedding ... but didn't act on that impulse. Would have been great fun to have been there to share, though.

I'm with Kim, by the way. How about a little photo of the MOB? Huh?

I look forward to your next visit to Seattle, though realize it will probably not be until next summer when you have time off. Perhaps I can look in on your daughter ... have intended to do so ...

Again, congratulations to you all!!

Leif Hagen said...

Congrats! Looks like a very fun and happy day! Jumping for joy!

Unknown said...

Congrats to you and your family ! Looks like it was a super day !

Jilly said...

Oh fabulous. Beautiful setting, gorgeous bride and groom and family. Many congratulations to them, long life and happiness and all that jazz and of course to you too, Bibi.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.