Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween...

Since Halloween isn't really celebrated here, I was hard-pressed to find a fitting image for today's post, until I came across this dilapidated building downtown. As if the building itself wasn't creepy enough, someone stencilled huge cockroaches on it....ewwwww.


Lowell said...

This is a riot! I don't think the building is long for this world, and I envy the fact you don't celebrate Halloween, but what would possess someone of supposedly a sound mind to stencil cockroaches on an old falling-down building? Sheesh!

Leif Hagen said...

Happy Halloween! Are there ghosts and goblins in there?!

Thérèse said...

Who came up with such an idea?
Happy Halloween! said...

Happy Halloween Bibi! Love this, interesting graffiti too.

Mara said...

Some people have some strange ideas. However, it made for a great photo!

DeeDee1Whoa said...

Haha, svidjaju mi se neki tvoji postovi, Jenki! LOL Anyways, would you like for us to swap blog links, I mean affiliate? Let me know when you add me.
Also, please follow me over Google because I'm already following your blog. Hvala!

mikelle said...

Hello dear friends, very nice blog, have a nice weekend :)

Chuck Pefley said...

Very cool! And, speaking of cockroaches, I found a dead one in my locker at the Market this week. Unfortunately this isn't an uncommon experience, but I guess it was all the more appropriate this week leading to Halloween -:)

marley said...

Very cool addition! Perfect for Halloween.

Alexa said...

Eeeewww, most appropriately creepy!

Sistertex said...

Been checking out your blog and find I really enjoy the photos in general, like the 'life' items they portray....

Very nice!

Gaelyn said...

OMG, so glad those are stencils. That is a creepy looking place.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.