Monday, October 26, 2009

A plethora of boats

Whenever I hear the word "plethora," I think of Mel Brooks' memorable film The Three Amigos, where a dialogue between the Mexican bandito El Guapo and one of his men, Jefe, goes like this:

Jefe: I have put many beautiful pinatas in the storeroom, each of them filled with little suprises.
El Guapo: Many pinatas?
Jefe: Oh yes, many!
El Guapo: Would you say I have a plethora of pinatas?

And so on.

In any case, there is a plethora of boats in this photo. How many do you see? I bet the one you're most likely to miss is the loooooong barge in the I told you.


Lowell said...

Plethora is one of my favorite words.

But I don't want to talk about a plethora of boats. I want to talk about how wonderful a photo this is. This is for framing and hanging...the colors are perfect and the light exquisite.

I'd say you have a plethora of talent!

Kaori said...

When I hear the word 'plethora' it reminds me of Sister Act 2 where a kid goes 'I'm sure we'll have a plethora of other opportunities'. One of my favorite movies.

But yes, now that you mentioned it I spot the barge in the backgound :)

Gaelyn said...

There are too many, I cannot count this plethora of boats. And so many different kinds, including the large barge in the background. Excellent capture.

Thérèse said...

Make us wonder at what time you took the picture...

Tash said...

there is a plethorum of beauty in that photo - you do wonderful river shots

B SQUARED said...

I love Mel Brooks. The photo is pretty interesting too. I would have thought the trees would have a little more color change, however.

Pat said...

Hi! Therese, it was about four-ish in the afternoon.

BSquared---you're right. I took this photo about 10 days ago, and only just last week did the leaves start to turn...still not in full force of color! said...

that is quite the plethora!
I love it when comedians use big words in their stories, so funny!

marley said...

Lol! Great quote and photo. Like the sunlight on the boats.

Marie-Noyale said...

I don't think I have ever seen such a long barge!
A plethora of sand on that boat!!

Alexa said...

My, that IS a long barge! The colors are amazing here, but I really love the light in this picture.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.