A week ago, an article appeared in a local newspaper, the theme being about me, a long-term expat in Belgrade. One of the consequences of that article (aside from being stopped by lots of people at my local green market and receiving many phone calls!) was a phone call from a TV station reporter who wanted to feature me today (7:30 p.m. local time, 'Pink' TV!) on the same topic.
We met on Friday in a park not far from where I work, and did the usual bla, bla. At one point, the cameraman wanted me to 'pretend' I was taking some photos (I always have my camera with me, and they knew I have this blog), so I obliged him...and also got him for today's post.
Fair's fair!
How fun to be a celebrity, even if just for a day or two. I can tell you're unique. Are there many ex-pats in Serbia?
Hi, Gaelyn. There must be figures somewhere on how many people like me, foreigners who came here by choice, (not for work, refugees, etc.) but I don't know where to find them. Just to say that there is a fair number of us here; different nationalities married to Serbs!
Fame and fortune! A-list celebrity! Can you get me Brad Pitt's phone number now?
Wonderful that you have been recognized for this great blog!!
BTW, on NPR I heard an interview with a Serb that lives here now and is trying to visit all the states that have a city named Belgrade. Who knew there were so many!!
I am so glad to read your blog today. A well deserved article -will we see any of it?- We will probably need an translation too :-)
This is fantastic !! Nice post !!Unseen Rajasthan
Hi Bibi. Is there any way to be able to see your interview on the net?
Hello, Juliette. I don't think it will be on the Internet. Sorry--not there yet, ha, ha.
A big congratulations to you, Bibi! I'm sure you gave a great interview -:))
Happy to hear Jackson has found a good new home with a willing playmate. Two's company and three's a crowd ... in some situations.
Perhaps you can get a copy of the video and post it on youtube??? Always fun to see famous people. LOL!!
I am so glad you were featured - always thought you had an interesting story/point of view to share. & how fun for us that we cyber-knew you before you were a celb. :)
What Chuck said—would love to see it. I'm just glad I got to meet you before you became famous!
Is there some footage on Youtube for us to see, Bibi? You must be a special person beyond being a long-term expat to get this kind of attention. Congrats, and I hope you had a wonderful time with your celebrity.
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