Sunday, November 29, 2009


A week ago, an article appeared in a local newspaper, the theme being about me, a long-term expat in Belgrade. One of the consequences of that article (aside from being stopped by lots of people at my local green market and receiving many phone calls!) was a phone call from a TV station reporter who wanted to feature me today (7:30 p.m. local time, 'Pink' TV!) on the same topic.

We met on Friday in a park not far from where I work, and did the usual bla, bla. At one point, the cameraman wanted me to 'pretend' I was taking some photos (I always have my camera with me, and they knew I have this blog), so I obliged him...and also got him for today's post.

Fair's fair!


Gaelyn said...

How fun to be a celebrity, even if just for a day or two. I can tell you're unique. Are there many ex-pats in Serbia?

Pat said...

Hi, Gaelyn. There must be figures somewhere on how many people like me, foreigners who came here by choice, (not for work, refugees, etc.) but I don't know where to find them. Just to say that there is a fair number of us here; different nationalities married to Serbs!

Mara said...

Fame and fortune! A-list celebrity! Can you get me Brad Pitt's phone number now?

Virginia said...

Wonderful that you have been recognized for this great blog!!

BTW, on NPR I heard an interview with a Serb that lives here now and is trying to visit all the states that have a city named Belgrade. Who knew there were so many!!

Thérèse said...

I am so glad to read your blog today. A well deserved article -will we see any of it?- We will probably need an translation too :-)

Unseen India Tours said...

This is fantastic !! Nice post !!Unseen Rajasthan

Juliette said...

Hi Bibi. Is there any way to be able to see your interview on the net?

Pat said...

Hello, Juliette. I don't think it will be on the Internet. Sorry--not there yet, ha, ha.

Chuck Pefley said...

A big congratulations to you, Bibi! I'm sure you gave a great interview -:))

Happy to hear Jackson has found a good new home with a willing playmate. Two's company and three's a crowd ... in some situations.

Perhaps you can get a copy of the video and post it on youtube??? Always fun to see famous people. LOL!!

Tash said...

I am so glad you were featured - always thought you had an interesting story/point of view to share. & how fun for us that we cyber-knew you before you were a celb. :)

Alexa said...

What Chuck said—would love to see it. I'm just glad I got to meet you before you became famous!

PJ said...

Is there some footage on Youtube for us to see, Bibi? You must be a special person beyond being a long-term expat to get this kind of attention. Congrats, and I hope you had a wonderful time with your celebrity.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.