Friday, November 6, 2009

Skywatch Friday--Serbia from the Heart

Not your typical Skywatch for sure, but there are two skies in this photograph. One is idyllic, with a beautiful Serbian girl and bucolic scene proclaiming "Serbia from the Heart".

The scene below, with a hazy sky, depicts what I call 'the fringe factor' of New Belgrade's flea market. The actual flea market is behind the blue fence and back a bit. It is not a flea market in the true sense, but rather sells new goods, some real, some fake. If you wish to sell there, you need to rent a stand.

However, just outside its gate, stretch along the boulevard and under the railroad overpass, you will find masses of people, trying to make a few dinars selling what you would find on a true flea market, but not nearly as valuable. You can literally find the proverbial kitchen sink here.

(Did I say I took this from the car again while stopped at a red light...?)

You should join SKYWATCH.


clairz said...

This is a nice little slice of life--different from the usual Skywatch photo. I am always interested to see the people who live in other places, and this photo shows even more. Thank you for sharing. I am enjoying your photos every day. said...

love this skywatch Bibi. it's like the real vs. the unreal!
I like to take photos from my car too. There seems to be so many photo ops when I am out and about in my car. It does make me feel like I am going undercover a bit.

i said...

2 in 1. That's really neat!

Terrebel said...

Very nice statement without getting political. And perhaps not the typical SWF-picture but on the otherhand: there are two skies in your pic so who can complain?

In whatever country or culture you look: People from the outside will never look "over the fence". Have a good weekend.

Terrence looks at the sky

eileeninmd said...

Interesting post and interesting people watching. I love to watch people. Happy friday.

ninja said...

What a mess! But I can't say you wont find the same in the east of my country.

Nikola Novaković said...

I understand how you could take a picture while waiting on that red light - it lasts forever! Especially when going on a tram!

B SQUARED said...

You sure get stopped a lot of red lights.

Lowell said...

You're getting very quick on the camera when stopped at red lights. I've found that's when I get some really neat shots.

This is a really neat one. What a mess! But, hey, everyone needs to make a buck, and some don't have many bucks to spend. This is the grass-roots free market economy!

Love it! Have a wonderful weekend!

Paula said...

Yikes! I hope they take home all the things they don't sell (I like shots from the car, they're so spontaneous).

Thérèse said...

Something for everyone even for photographers...

Gaelyn said...

The double sky is a neat idea.
And I Love flea markets, especiall when it's really old used stuff, not the new junk.

Alexa said...

Not so interested in what's behind the blue fence (since the stuff is new), but it would be fun to see what you could find out here, I think.
Love your 2-in-1 shot.

Marie-Noyale said...

Joli contraste!

Tash said...

No different than a garage sale. It is an interesting contrasting image.


 I have seen this woman frequently in different seasons, seated in the same place near a large open market. She doesn't seem to be askin...