Thursday, December 31, 2009

The lotus

The lotus is a symbol of many things, but the essence is that it symbolizes beauty that can rise out of ugliness. These flowers were growing in a ditch filled with filthy water next to a gas station where our driver refueled.

"Bibi" now on vacation in India wishes you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!


Virginia said...

Oh our dear Bibi. What a lovely New Year wish and photograph. I hope you are having such a wonderful visit in India.

Marianne said...

Thanks for the beautiful lotus and the idea that it symbolizes beauty growing out of ugliness. A wonderful thought to end the year 2009 with and begin 2010 with. (At least we don't see how dirty the water is.)
Have a fun Dec. 31st. If the skies are clear here we'll see a "blue" moon - the second full moon of December.

Leif Hagen said...

Namaste, Bibi! What a lovely lotus photo! I hope you're enjoying the sighting and tasting all the different foods!
Happy New year!

Thérèse said...

Have a fun day. A beautiful flower for the last day of the year, do you know that the roots are edible?

Mara said...

Happy New Year! I am looking forward to many more photos of Belgrade and wherever you will go in 2010.

Gaelyn said...

Bibi, I'm loving your vacation posts. India is on my list. The henna paintings are beautiful and I could really enjoy those lush vegies. Nice to see entertainment on the beach if you can't swim. I'm thinking the brick carrier must have really strong neck muscles.

Enjoy the rest of your journey into the new year. I look forward to more.

B SQUARED said...

Wishing the same for you, as well. Happy New Year!

Indrani said...

That is sweet memory framed. Great shots!


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?