Monday, December 21, 2009

Radovan on the Road again--India...

Radovan is on the road again, and 'Bibi" is well enough (she hopes...) to accompany him. Radovan has become camera shy and won't feature in all of Bibi's posts, but he'll be with her as she travels through Tamil Nadu and to one other mystery destination Radovan won't allow to be disclosed just yet....stay tuned.

I am going to try to post pretty much live. I've never missed a post, but it may be a bit hard now with sporadic Internet connection...

This post is for Bob of Saint Louis Daily Photo, who traveled to India and Tibet a while back. Tibet's where I'd really like to go (next time, or in another life...), but I am really happy anyway to be going to India. My friend and I will be visiting a Tibetan settlement, and that's about as close as I'll get...hope to find another Buddha for my collection.


Alexa said...

I'm so excited for you, Bibi! (and just a touch envious.) Really looking forward to your posts—and as many pix as possible! (P.S.—stay well please)

Louis la Vache said...

We're both happy to see Radovan again and that you're well enough to travel!

Leif Hagen said...

Bon voyage! I was in India for 5 weeks in Feb/March for the first time! Bangalore, Delhi and Agra were awesome! Check out my blog from then if you're curious:

All the best and post some India pics!

Bob Crowe said...

Thanks for the hello and link! Tibet is magical, tragic, exquisitely beautiful and exhausting. Hope you make it there one day. It's worth it.

But then I've never to Tamil Nadu, or anyplace in India much south of Agra. Take many, many pictures.

Tash said...

this is so great! Lucky Radovan - he does seem a bit shy, like he's about to walk out of the photo :)
How wonderful for you to be travelling there & for taking us along. Srecan put.

Gaelyn said...

I love your Buddah collection. Hope you and Radovan have a great time in India. I really look forward to your posts from there, if possible. India is on my list.

Marie Reed said...

Been searching a bit but without any success. Doh! No leads!

I'm so going to enjoy your warm Indian pictures:)

B SQUARED said...

Enjoy! Be safe.

Thérèse said...

A very exciting trip! It should not be too hard to find a Buddha but it must please Radovan too...

Chuck Pefley said...

Radovan looks right at home in India -:)

Juliette said...

C'est merveilleux. Bon voyage Bibi!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.