Saturday, December 12, 2009

Weekend Reflections...

This polar bear is so far from the North Pole that he has begun to take on the shades of the leaves in his he dreaming of a White Christmas?

This post is for James' Weekend Reflections, so pop on over and see who else has posted reflections.


My name is Riet said...

What a great picture. Wonderful reflection

cieldequimper said...

This is just fantastic! Awesome!

Quilt Works said...

Great photo - excellent composition, very sharp, and I love the title too! :[)

I hope you will visit my

John McDevitt said...

Neat photo. Great angle, reflection... I love it.

xxx said...

Beautiful... what a wonderful subject :)

best wishes for the festive season

xxx said...

i noticed that you have the 'life of pi' on your bookshelf.
I have read and kept that book too.
I thought that it was magical... a wonderful read like no other.

best wishes

Serendipity said...

Wonderful! I really like this picture :)

Thérèse said...

Of course he is dreaming of a White Christmas!
I kind of pity this bear though...

Lowell said...

The polar bear adds a very interesting dimension to your reflections shot! It would be fun to know what he's thinking, if anything.

'Course, you may not want to know. He could be thinking, "C'mon lady, just a few steps closer...lean over that fence...a little more..."

Glen Hartjes said...

Wow, nice shot. The bear looks as he is part of the rock, frozen in time, but his energy, crouched and ready to explode. What a great contrast, well done!

B SQUARED said...

He may be looking to make a 'photographer sandwich.'

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee
Similar to the cat napping by the bird bath at Seattle Daily Photo...

Gaelyn said...

The reflection is beautiful, the polar bear looks out of place. Hope his dreams come true. Nice capture Bibi.

Malyss said...

What a lovely bear! He does not seem to be dreaming, but afraid to fall in the water!
The reflection on the water is great , with the beautyful autumn colors. But please, help the bear! Ü

Ebie said...

Oh, isn't he so adorable! There are sol many things I love about this shot, the composition, the angle, the colors and the reflection!

May his wish come true!

Halcyon said...

Funny! Maybe bears change their colors in the fall too.

Happy weekend!!!

Le_cafe_noir said...

Really cute photo.
I'm coming to Belgrade for half a year, and your blog is really interesting to me.
Thanks :)

Leif Hagen said...

What a big teddy bear! So cute and cuddly! I thought polar bears were supposed to be white?

Hope you feel better soon, Bibi!

Kat said...

I love this shot. The reflections are really nice and clear. And the bear is wonderful! Kathy

Petrea Burchard said...

Poor bear.

Woody said...

Shhh, don't wake him up. I would not want to spoil his dreams! Very nice photo and the reflections are very nice.

Jilly said...

What an absolutely fabulous photograph, Bibi. He may be in the best place if the ice caps are about to melt.

Tash said...

This is so lovely, 'Bibi'.
It is a must addition to your calendar portfolio.

Amy said...

How cute! The bear reminds me of my ferret, Ski. He's the same color and is sleeping in that position right now. :)

Kim said...

Aw, lovely, chubby, lazy fellow/gal. Beautiful composition. I think its dreaming the leaves are tiny ice flows and it was cavorting with its mother and sibling in the great white north.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.