Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ABC Wednesday "A" is for "art"

Add Image The other day on Chuck's blog in Seattle , I saw a photo of a young artist whose work appealed to me. I checked out Joni's blog and left a comment that some of her art reminded me of the self-taught or naive peasant artists here. Joni wrote back to say that a dealer had once told her that her art was naive, and she wasn't too happy, but now she is! Above is one of the paintings in our small collection, depicting, according to the artist, twin brothers who are helped by an angel to marry twin sisters. (And no, they're not conjoined twins, despite the knife....!) We bought this painting in 1974 when my Serbian wasn't so good, but I believe this is some kind of local legend. In any case, the painting is quite detailed, revealing the artist's other talent: embroidery.

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Saretta said...

In fact, it looks like an embroidered scene! I'm surprised it's a painting.

Rune Eide said...

It looked like embroidery to me too - but a nice A anyhow.

Anonymous said...

This is great! Thanks for the point to my blog. I love this piece. This is one of the ones you said you bought at the gallery near your home? I would love to see that gallery myself. I have been researching this style of art for several days now. Very inspiring. Seems to be more in Europe then in the US.

naturglede/Randi Lind said...

Greate choise for the A. Have a nice ABC:)

Richard Lawry said...

I love the folk art look. Nice piece

An Arkie's Musings

Carol said...

This is beautiful...I live the detail on the top and bottom...

Reader Wil said...

It's exactly the kind of art I like. It's a coincidence that I also have a post about Australian art. Your photo is splendid.

EG CameraGirl said...

It;s beautiful and has so much detail!

My ABC offering is at

Michele said...

This is wonderful... I think it is beautiful.

Fotosekken said...

My first thought was "Oh, what a beautiful embroidery!" But then I read the text and discovered it was a painting. Amazing!

Anne-Berit said...

Very beautiful A-post!

Anonymous said...

Art is a good choice and this one is really beautiful.

Jane Hards Photography said...

To echo above it does look like wool or silk not paint. Intriguing image with hopefully a local legend attached. I did see Joni's work on Chuck's and you have reminded me to seek her out and encourage. Lovely choice and what I enjoy about blogging, learning, teaching, and above all helping one another.

photowannabe said...

Quite an amazing piece of art. I thought it was embroidery too. Great start to Round 4.

Alexa said...

This is amazing (for A)! Loved your posts from the past two days too—you have a great sense of humor, bibi!

Bradley Hsi said...

Bibi, I went to Joni's blog and couldn't be more agree with you. She is very talented. I loved your painting. I also first thought it was embroidery. If they are not conjoined twins, why the knief? How can they tell who married who? Genetically, the children will not be able to tell who are their real parents by DNA testing.....

Anonymous said...

That is does look like needle work..

spacedlaw said...

Lovely Art indeed. Good choice for A.

Chuck Pefley said...

I can see how Joni might be offended to have her work characterized as "naive" yet in the context of simple folk art it's anything but. Quite the opposite, IMHO, as it's wonderfully intricate and complex. I like this storytelling style very much. Oh, and thanks for the mention of both our blogs -:)

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...

A for ART...and a great piece of art it is the colours are wonderful!

Hi Bibi, I'm a great fan of folklore and naive art.

Take care Tyra

Unknown said...

Wow! That is an amazing piece of art. I love the story of the twins! AND, I totally love that you bought it because you loved it and it has turned out to be something valuable! Beautiful!

Marie Reed said...

I love twin art! I have a set of Nigerian statuettes. They are carved when twins are born (which happens more frequently for some reason in that country) If one of the twins dies they are supposed to take care of the statue for the rest of their life..feeding etc.

Kate said...

I love this kind of artwork. While at first glance, it appears "naive" or primitive, further inspection shows so many details. It's a beautiful piece and a perfect A.


Anonymous said...

I think it's really something. I love story :)! Really nice one to keep.

Lene said...

exiting legend and great pice of art :)

Mel said...

This is beyond impressive!

Tumblewords: said...

Fascinating! Enjoyable post and lovely image!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.