This post is for
Marie at Vintage Postcards, who wanted me to show her what Serbian mailboxes looked like. The more I thought about, I realized I hadn't seen a mailbox on the street/wall for a long, long time, so I went hunting. These are two that I found, but they are right smack in front of post offices. This got me thinking of my experiences when I first came here 32 years ago when you could actually find mailboxes all over. However, most people I knew then preferred to take their letters directly to the post office, since they said the wall boxes weren't reliable, i.e. the mailman never picked up the contents or else did so very sporadically. I guess it must have been true, for the only ones I've seen now are right in front of post offices...but then why bother putting your mail in when you can be sure it gets picked up if you take it inside? Hmmm. Point to ponder.
Like my new banner? Thanks goes to Adam from Balkan File for resizing my photo!
Hooray! Jumping up and down and clapping! They are so noble! The golden envelopes are such surprising details! I have had this mailbox addiction ever since I was a little girl. Is there any hope? Thank you sooo much Bibi! Huge Hugs!
Those are very classy looking! The ones here are so plain.
They're pretty glamour! Here we put the mail in the box to avoid the waiting line in the Post Office. Good to know not to do that when I'll be sending my postcards from Serbia someday.
The bronze one looks like a stately gentleman with a goatee.
A few years back a former parishioner of mine was going to visit family in Serbia for the first time since they had moved. Since we lived close he asked me, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, to pick up his mail everyday. I told him he could hold it at the post office but he didn't trust them; he said they can easily see an envelope and assume there is money inside and pocket it.
I love it when I see mailboxes, too. Unfortunately from where I live now there is no such thing. One has to go to the post office to get your mails posted. Years ago, I didn't trust the post office here, but things changed. Thanks to that, I now send and receive posts, even if I have to pick it up at the post office myself :)
Happy PFF!
Postcards Crossing
Beautiful mailboxes! Mailboxes are a rare item here too - most of them are right outside to post office for drive by letter dropping. Happy PFF, Bibi!
Love the banner and the mailboxes.
Such an eye for things Bibi.
Nice job on the banner.
The two pictures complement each other: red and blue attract the eye in such a way.
what wonderfully antiquey looking postboxes. and yes i do love your header, it's so YOU.
I am inspired to play hunt the postbox now. I usually use the Post Office, now I will look further afield. Strangely I am drawn to the brown one. Love the new panoramic banner.
These mailboxes are beautiful...quite fancy...like the banner also...
What beautiful metalwork - I'll bet they'd find it expensive to have this type of mailbox built nowadays.
Evelyn in Montreal
These are very fancy - I remember much simpler ones but the shape of the 1st one is something I do recollect. Good capture of the details.
Mail boxes galore here in Australia. We actually to date have a great postal service.
Best wishes Ribbon
These mailboxes are beautiful! They look like antiques.
What two "elegant" letter boxes" you presented. Funny, how they look like little houses. Very stylish.
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