Sunday, March 1, 2009

March Theme Day "Glass" Živeli! (Cheers!)

Serbs love their rakija (RAH-kee-yuh) or brandy, which is usually made from plums, although it can be made from other fruit, such as quince or pears. I photographed a pear here, for it's not the season for plums, and so I couldn't find any for my photo. Here you can see an assortment of rakija glasses and a carafe. The two tall glasses on the left in front of the pear are
the most classic ones. Živeli! (ZHEE-veh-lee!) or Cheers!
P.S. I took this photo with my macro lens, my latest piece of 'glass'.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Jane Hards Photography said...

Ziveli to you too. The one lying down reminds me of a cassis glass I had my cassis kir in when last in Montpellier. I like drinks that have their own glass,like belgium beers. This post has a touch of glass.

Lowell said...


Such an interesting and enlightening post. I love the "most classic" glasses.

USelaine said...

And of course it reminds me of the korte palinka in Hungary - the same stuff! I like the blue tinted glass over the wood grain here. Very pretty.

Jilly said...

A lovely group of glasses and informative too. Just wish I had some to taste...

Champ Townboy said...

Perfect theme day post.

angela said...

Great take on theme day. I too enjoy glasses that are particular to a certain drink. I've got some pastis glasses that are lovely..

Thérèse said...

Very nice "shot" Bibi!
Glass inside out.

soulbrush said...

ziveli on this sunday.

Antjas said...

I have one of those taller glasses but thought it was a flower vase. Upon closer inspection it says 2 dl on it along with a crown and the numbers 922. Do yours have anything written on them? I see the glass on the right also has a crown. Ziveli!

Rob said...

Pretty glass with added interest of setting one on it's side. Perfect artistic flare. Congrats on buying new glass, (lens).

Julie said...

great interpretation for theme day. Liveli to you. we also say Salud in Arizona.

Clueless in Boston said...

I like the theme for theme day you adopted. A little alcohol on a snowy Sunday (here) is a great idea. Your new lens takes great images. The enlarged image is so sharp! Good luck with your new toy and take lots of pictures with it.

Denton said...

I like your photo and your tie to local taste ... but most of all I like your "latest piece of glass" ... happy theme day.

amatamari© said...

a beautiful image



marley said...

Cheers! I notice the glasses are empty and the bottle is full. What are you waiting for?! Get pouring! Lol :)

Sterl the Pearl's Daily Pics of Boulder said...

love the way you interpreted the theme today!

Kim said...

This is fun to see! Your macro did a nice job on the glass and on that lovely oak grain. So, what saint might that be on the glass to the right? I guess the traditional glasses encourage sipping. The blue glasses make your still life sing. Hope you treated yourself to a little sip after your photo shoot! Enjoy that new lens and hope to see your explorations of its qualities more in days to come.
Seattle Daily Photo

Virginia said...

Ziveli!!! love the glasses and want one of those thin bagels up there to go with it. I was without internet most of yesterday , sorry!

raf said...

How wonderful, warm and inviting is your lovely image for the theme today, Bibi. The glass sparkles and sets the mood for the next occassion. Ziveli!

raf said...

How wonderful, warm and inviting is your lovely image for the theme today, Bibi. The glass sparkles and sets the mood for the next occassion. Ziveli!

Tash said...

You've created a wonderful still-life that is not still at all.
And you've got people from all over who now know Ziveli - is that great or what! Zivela!

Debby said...

Ziveli too. And pass the djevreci.

J.C. said...

Guess what was the first thought that came to my mind upon seeing this photo?

It is CHEERS!!! A toast to you, Bibi! Happy Theme Day!

Marie-Noyale said...

Ziveli to you !
I would love a blue tainted glass and I'll try the quince based Rakija..
It will bring some warm to my snowy landscape today!!!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!