Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A caramel Bibi

Last Sunday a friend and I paid another visit to Katja , the lady with nearly 300 dogs at last count. Katja has been working with a French friend of mine to help her home these dogs in Europe, and has had some success so far. Approximately 10 of her dogs leave each month for new homes in primarily France, Belgium, and Germany, and the nicest part is, these are very often dogs with some sort of handicap. The plan is for Katja not to accept any more dogs, and to home the ones she has. Unfortunately, Katja often wakes up to new dogs that have been thrown over her fence, tied to her front gate, or abandoned as puppies in a box.

Bibi came from this place, and I couldn't help but notice a resemblance between caramel-colored "Nena" in the upper photo and Bibi.

I've posted more photos of the dogs on Flickr and I hope you can connect to the link. If not, contact me through my email under my profile. If you're interested in helping Katja, write me there as well, and I will put you in contact with my friend (French, English, and Serbian-speaking.)


PJ said...

What an amazing pair of faces. It just rips me to see all these pups living together, but help is on the way, Bibi. I vsit the bank tomorrow and I'll be interested to see what kinds of Homeland Security ridiculosity I encounter but I will prevail.

Debby said...

I love the expression on that little dog's face. (He looks like he has a gray mustache.) So are you going to get yourself a caramel colored dog?

I agree with PJ. The sight of all these dogs together...it cannot be a happy life for them, but the alternative of living on the streets, with all the dangers, even worse.

Lowell said...

Omigod! What a lot of dogs! But isn't that wonderful that this lady works to place them in homes.

Now the dog on top is very nice, except he reminds me of one of my uncles, long deceased. Come to think of it, some people might of thought my uncle was kinda cute!

dianasfaria.com said...

aww! bless these pups. I hope they find homes soon. It is wonderful of you to help.

Virginia said...

God bless this wonderful angel for these dear souls. She means well and I pray there are those that will take them . Wonderful story Bibi.

Thérèse said...

Does that mean that you are going to take Nena home?
What a courageous lady!

USelaine said...

Katja is magnificent to take on this humane mission. As you said the last time you introduced her, if there is no system of state animal shelters in place, they would suffer immensely without her help. Look how they gather near her with well-fed, happy faces!

MuseSwings said...

A bloggy adventure is in your future! Start packing!

Jilly said...

Nena does indeed look like your Bibi. Adorable.

Katja is a miracle lady. Look at all those dogs. I can imagine the chaos at feeding time in particular and it's so good to see they all look well fed to me.

To anyone who is interested in helping Katja with some money, it is VERY easy. I've done it. You simply transfer money from your bank to a specific bank account (Bibi will advise) and it gets to Katja and the dogs. It is used, via Bibi's friend,to pay for sterilisation for females and to buy dry food for the dogs.

Bibi, those are fabulous photos.I'm writing privately to ask if I can reproduce on Riviera Dogs and also on Postcards - off subject for those blogs but important I'd say!

Marie Reed said...

What an amazing story! 300 dogs! I wish that i could adopt just one..Hmmm.. I just asked Francois.. He rolled his eyes... We have two cats, two turtles, 4 fish tanks, and a rabbit. A would love to help one of these pups.

Anonymous said...

Whoah! That's a lot of dogs. Katja is certainly a very kind lady to feed all those dogs when she also has herself to look after.

Surely with so many dogs together there is the chance that they may fight?

Pat said...

Hi, Adam! Yes, occasionally there are fights, but for the most part, things are pretty calm. Dogs often fight over territory, but here it's so crowded, not one dog has its own territory.

Anonymous said...

In a way it is pitiful because these dogs all belonged to somebody at one time or another and left out to go it alone they have now found a home with so many others of their own kind. I hope they are all adopted out to good homes. I also am amazed at the amount of work this many dogs would make just cleaning up after them.

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

What's better, this or the streets? I think what is best is if pets were banned altogether. Pets can enrich the lives of humans, but far, far more cats and dogs suffer in proportion to those that are well cared for in loving homes.

Marie-Noyale said...

Never seen so many dogs...
It must be so hard to leave there without one or....
She is a wonderful woman.

soulbrush said...

i think you showed us this lady once before. isn't she an angel?

Marie said...

Incredible. She should be helped!!!!!!!

spacedlaw said...

She is doing a great job against all odds.

Dottie Jo said...

WOW - I can't believe that all those dogs live together without fighting constantly! When I had 2 dogs they didn't get along, and that is why I now have only 1 dog!
Thanks for sharing this - what a wonderful thing this woman is doing for all these poor abandoned animals.

Mother in Action said...

Fantastic pictures!

My very best

Kate said...

I cannot imagine how that woman manages. While here in Mazatlan, my husband helps at an animal shelter 3 times a week where he helps clean cages and walks dogs, about 3 hours each visit. We also are involved in fund raisers to help with the care and upkeep of both dogs and cats. I have never been able to understand why humans do not take better care of animals, both domesticated and wild. We pay a terrible price for our neglect of them: endangered species and misery for the animals.

Anonymous said...

Bibi I cant contac you by your email and I realy think we should contact.
Can you just wrie it .PLease

Pat said...

Anonymous, under where it says 'view my complete profile', you will see an email link, so you can write me there.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!