Saturday, October 17, 2009

Flat out.

Since Tuesday evening I have set foot outside just once, and that was yesterday, when I went down to get my visa renewed at the police station. It was pantomime at several points, since I've been laid up (or down, actually) with a major cold, cough, aches, and....laryngitis, and I was and still am to some extent, voiceless! I hurried home and went back to bed. Here is what I've been spending my time with the last few days. I am especially thankful for my little ASUS computer that is so handy. (How did you think I was visiting your blogs?) Only Bibi, who was lying beside me the whole time, is absent from this photo. Thank goodness my son is around to walk her.

Have you been sick this fall?


Lowell said...

Not the swine flu, I hope. Best wishes for a quick and full recovery!

Lowell said...

Oh, by the way, Pillars of the Earth is one of my favorite books!

PJ said...

Take good care of yourself. I love the new (to me) header.

Anonymous said...

I do hope you are not having the swine flu. I know I don't want to get it.

Jilly said...

Oh poor you. I feel cold and sniffy just reading your words and seeing your photograph. Get well soon, dear Bibi! Honey is good...

Thérèse said...

Let us all brighten your day!
Have a good recovery day.

B SQUARED said...

Chicken soup? Can't hurt.

Virginia said...

I recommend a slug of bourbon......ummm I mean a nice cup of tea!:) Hope this finds you on the road to recovery!! I haven't had the sniffles since I retired from teaching. WHen I taught, I got bronchitis etc. every year!! Get well soon.

marley said...

Get well soon! At least you can keep blogging!

Kristin - The Goat said...

Thankfully, I have not been sick this year. I have allergies (that even with allergy medications) will not go away, so in some ways I'm sick weekly, but I'm very used to it lol

Be well the rest of the year :)

Kristin - The Goat

clairz said...

Oh, no! I hope you didn't catch it from me! ;)

I've been down with the aches, sniffles, wheezing, coughing, and whining all week. It finally does leave, believe me--after three days of intensity, and a couple more days of coughing.

Feel better soon. Perhaps we should be wearing masks at the computer to stop passing these germs around!

Predrag said...

Is that a joke with a swine flu?
She is not in Argentina :)

Antjas said...

Virginia suggested bourbon. How about "slivovic s medom, lemone i vruce vode"?

Alexa said...

Aaaaaaw—I say go for the bourbon! Take care, and so glad Bibi has your son to take her for her walks.

Marie-Noyale said...

Hope you are feeling better after the WE..
What did we do when we were sick before the computer era!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it swine flu? Lots of coughing and fever? That's what I've got and I hope it goes away soon. I'm in bed & on Tamiflu.

XAPT said...

Too bad you're under the weather, but I'm glad to see you have plenty of Fervex! According to my husband, Fervex can cure you of just about anything. In fact, I think Fervex is missed more longingly by the expat community in the US than even the rakija... but before you shout "blasphamy!", that's only because you can buy rakija here, but not Fervex.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.