Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dhow boat in Doha

The first evening I was in Doha, my friends took me down to the corniche to view the city center from across the bay. It's worth enlarging the photo (click on it) to admire the detail in the ultra-modern buildings. On this side of the bay from where I took this photo are docked a number of dhow boats like the one on the right, some of which are still used for fishing, while others take tourists for short rides across the bay. This we did. It was windy, and of course it's even windier on the water, making the air quite cold.

Back to Belgrade tomorrow.... It's been a fantastic trip, and as Marco Polo wrote, "I've not even told you half of what I've seen."


Marianne said...

Well, and you probably won't be able to tell about most of it either - such a trip, so many sights, sounds, smells.
Srecan put back to Belgrade and thanks for this vicarious and wonderful journey.

Gaelyn said...

Nice skyline to approach by boat. Safe journey home.

Tash said...

Terrific view of a modern exotic place.
The engineers we met from there that were taking the delivery of the C-17 were extremely nice.
Don't forget to bundle up for Beograd.

Lowell said...

What a fine photograph! Like you said, it should be embiggened! The architecture is stunning!

Best wishes for a wonderful 2010!

Chuck Pefley said...

Bibi, hope your flight home is smooth.
I'm surprised by the density of this city. My geography is sorely lacking, I'm sorry to say. Thanks for sharing. Be sure to buckle Radovan's seat belt, and don't let him drink too much wine -:)

Thérèse said...

And the presence of the cranes shows that the city is still not completed...
I have to go and see where is Doha!

B SQUARED said...

On first glance, I thought it was New York.

MuseSwings said...

Your hermity friend has come out of her shell long enough to enjoy all of your India pictures! How beautiful and how nice for you to experience that fascinating country!

Alexa said...

So glad you got to take this trip, and share it with all of us! Safe home, Bibi. (Must admit I only know where Doha is because one of my daughters had a roommate at NYU who is from Qatar.)

James said...

Hi Bibi, I just finished catching up on all your blog posts. I must say they are excellent. I love the way that you capture the flavor and spirit of where ever you are.

dianasfaria.com said...

wow! what a fantastic trip Bibi! I have to catch up on all your posts-I see Radovan was with you!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.