Friday, October 15, 2010

SKYWATCH--The Silver Sliver

A 'fingernail moon' is what I called this tiny silver sliver last March. Same moon, not aligned the same way!

Check out other skies on SKYWATCH.


Smalltown RN said...

what a beautiful night sky and you have captured the moon perfectly...well done!

Anonymous said...

what a nice capture. looks like a lovely evening for a walk.

Luis Gomez said...

Lovely sky and moon. Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Kim, USA said...

A very beautiful sliver! Happy Friday!
Sky Reflection

Lowell said...

Well, I'm impressed. I have a difficult time with such a shot...for some reason I've never been able to pull it off. Very well done!

Did you get a photo of the Harvest Moon. I was too lazy to get out the tripod!

Alexa said...

Nicely captured! And your banner photo's a pretty spectacular sky too!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Reminds me of my own fake manicured nails on a blue velvet blouse. Beautifully captured.

Gaelyn said...

Great capture! I'm not good at moon shots, just too lazy to get out the lousy tripod.

Olivier said...

Magnifique cette photo et cette lune (la muse des photographes), un beau poster

B SQUARED said...

Nice observation. Soon to be a new shade of nail polish.

Lowell said...

I searched for your other moons...and you've got some wonderful moon favorite, though, is the one back in March (which I remember) where the star is shining in the background. That's very special!

Daryl said...

Wonderful shot ...


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