Saturday, February 13, 2010

Chicken and biscuits

Ever since Virginia at Birmingham Daily Photo left a comment on my recent
birthday post about Mamma's Biscuit House sounding "downright southern," I've had a hankering for chicken and biscuits, something Mamma's Biscuit House does NOT do. So here is the result. A southern dish made by a Yankee. Gravy could have been a tad thicker, but it was good!
P.S. Hey! On a whim, I entered a local chain's photo contest on the theme "Hearts are all around us" and won third prize--two tickets to the theater! The entry is the one you just saw two days ago right here.


Louis la Vache said...

Oh, my! «Louis», of Texas origin, loves chicken and biscuits! He thinks that's what he'll make for dinner tonight for himself and Mme la Vache...

Congratulations on your "Hearts are all around us" win!

Lowell said...

Well, I wasn't hungry 'til I saw this! Congrats on your win! You deserve it!

Chuck Pefley said...

What a heartening story to go along with a hearty meal -:)

Congratulations! That was truly a well-spotted heart, so you definitely deserve the win. Enjoy the show!

Virginia said...

Yum, but I thought you were making FRIED chicken~!HA The biscuits look delicious too. You knocked yourself out.

Congrats on winning the contest. That snow heart is beautiful!

Gaelyn said...


That chicken and biscuits looks good.

Pat said...

Nope, I hardly ever fry anything. I sin with Gerard Depardieu said to Queen Latifah in Last Holiday, "The secret of life is butter," which he pronounced, of course 'buh-tair."

Saretta said...

Now that's comfort food! Congrats on your contest win, it was a great photo!

Leif Hagen said...

Delicious photo, Bibi! We're overdue for lunch - Yummy chicken soup!

Anonymous said...

You always have a way of making food look so good! said...

I am not surprised you won Bibi, Congratulations! I love that photo.
& this dish looks delicious too.

PJ said...

We loooooooove our biscuits and these look scrumptious, especially with the chicken dish.

Tash said...

Looks so delicious and I love the place matts too. It's been ages since I've tried making real biscuits...last time was from Bisquick - my son likes them a lot.
Congrats on the HEART prize winning photo. It's a great photo. Nice prize - what will you be seeing?

Kim said...

Yummy! Thanks for inviting us to this good looking supper! And big congrats on your theater tix win!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.