Monday, February 22, 2010

What's this?

Time for a little game! Any ideas what this is? Maybe easy, maybe not.

Answer will be here tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Cross section of a mushroom!

Lowell said...

You are a real trickster, aren't you. I think it's the vacant eyes of a mountain goat!

Or is this a new version of the Rorschach inkblot test?

Gaelyn said...

Cut mushroom for sure.

Thérèse said...

So many things we don't pay enough attention to... said...

I thought eyes of an animal at first glance, but this is definitely a mushroom!

James said...

That was too easy gives a harder one please. :)

Kcalpesh said...

Umm after reading a few comments even I give it a go to call it a cross section of a mushroom... well, awaiting the answer..

Françoise said...

I will say a champignon de Paris

Louis la Vache said...


Very good, Bibi!

Eleonora Baldwin said...

Too easy, it's a mushroom!
Speaking of which, in case you're a cornmeal-lover, I've updated the Polenta series, care to taste THREE more toppings?

E xx

Nina said...

Cut mushroom!

Daryl said...

A mushroom!

B SQUARED said...


Tash said...

It's a sad, snowy white face of a elephant. Or something for stir-fry.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.