Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Eternal Flame(s)

Here is a shot of The Eternal Flame that you can read about here and here. In this photo I took three days ago, you see the tip of the tower reflected in a puddle created by recently melted snow. The days since there have been very surprise; it's officially spring today! Hurrah! Where's the color??

This post is part of Newtown Daily Photo's Reflection Weekend.


PJ said...

I'm sorry to see the disrepair but I do appreciate the effect and the couple walking together complete it.

Lowell said...

This is wonderful! How did you do that? What an eye!

Chuck Pefley said...

Nicely done, Bibi! I like your inclusion of the people for a sense of scale. Happy Spring -:)

Marianne said...

Happy Spring, Bibi. If it stays warm there like it is here, you'll see green and sprouts in no time.
Like the reflection in this photo, clear, but a little grimy.

Regina said...

Really nice!

ruma said...

Thank you for showing wonderful scenery.

Happy weekend.

From the Far East.
Best regards.

Thérèse said...

The color is in the puddle too!
It's coming Bibi, it's coming: aren't you patient enough? I know it's easy for me to say? :)

Shaista said...

Wow Bibi, amazing skill as always... and the way the picture loaded meant I wasn't even prepared for the wonderful reflection in the puddle :)

Louis la Vache said...

Indeed, very nicely done, Bibi!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Stunning capture of a very important monument. These daily photo sites do so much for bringing social studies alive. Thank you Thank you,

GDP said...

this is great Bibi. I am so happy for your nice weather. We've been having the same. It's supposed to be 70 degrees today!
stop by & visit me if you can, I'm celebrating my blogoversary with a giveaway.
: )

Kat said...

What a great catch! Perfect reflection, and the couple walking is a wonderful addition to the composition. Kathy

Yvi said...


a great photo...and the reflection in the puddle, comes across well...


Tash said...

Oh, PERFECT!!! You've gotta get this in a Beograd tourist brochoure.
As for me...I remember the symbol on Dinars. I also associate it with RTV Beograd...but I probably have it mixed up with the Pobednik. - I can hear the end of programming musik - tum, tum, tum-tum-tum, tum, taaaaam, tum tum...
I tried searching for it...but came across this instead: "Ду ју спик српски?" Pretty funny.

Beth Niquette said...

What a wonderful photo! A lovely choice for Reflections Weekend!

Gemma Wiseman said...

The fragmented image in reflection looks fascinating! It almost looks as if it has been sculpted there!


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