Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Not just Yugos on the street...

Here's a car you don't see every day, or at least I don't. This Rolls Royce, with a Belgrade license plate, made quite a few heads turn (and my camera click) as it eased its way down a very busy boulevard. Its tinted windows prevented me from seeing who was in there, but whoever it was wasn't interested in driving over to the McDonald's across the street.
Fellow blogger at Fort Lauderdale Daily Photo and I have been ribbing each other about the Yugo automobile. I think that's a red Yugo that you can see the rear of on the right side of the photo, and a while ago, I posted a Yugo here.


Louis la Vache said...

Not to be outdone, B SQUARED now has his very own Yugo limousine! He had his Yugo cut in half. He extended it six feet by using 2x4s. The gap in the middle was closed by corrugated sheet metal. His Yugo now has a spiffy sunroof as a result of a sheet of green translucent fiberglass that now resides between the front and rear sections of the Yugo. Chain link fence was fitted behind the driver's seat in an effort to make the Yugo limo seem as if it might be chauffeur driven. After the floor was finished by nailing masonite to the 2x4s, jump seats were added by placing 2 Samsonite folding chairs on the floor. B SQUARED hopes soon to bring the Yugo to this level of finish.

Tash said...

I'm amazed when I see them here, which is not too often either. How can anyone be comfortable driving in something that expensive.
I wonder if you and B SQRD can drum up the market for suped up Yugos.

dianasfaria.com said...

I like this traffic photo!
& thanks for the funny Yugo joke in your link Bibi, he-he.
Louis, your comment is a whole other story!

Chuck Pefley said...

I'd guess when you take your Rolls onto the highway in Serbia Yugo very fast?

Chuck Pefley said...

Louis!!! What an absolutely "bovine" comment! LOL!!

Olivier said...

une rolls royce devant un mc do, cela doit ĂȘtre assez rare ;o)

Gunn said...

Not a car I have seen in my country!!:-)

I like the Mc. Donald`s sign in this photo. LOL

B SQUARED said...

You mean to say, the Yugo comes in colors? I had to use a paint roller on mine. Never needs waxing and always easy to find in a parking lot.

Daryl said...

Eons ago when I worked in the ad biz the head creative director was a Brit who had a RR .. and a driver .. his driver once drove the CD's assistant and me home ... quite posh inside and out ..

Lowell said...

You will see a number of these and similarly expensive cars in Boca Raton, Florida! We lived there for several years and were always amazed at the number of Rolls on the road!

This is a beauty. I guess if you can afford one you can take it out and drive it but I'd be afraid to let it out of the garage!

Leif Hagen said...

Every country has people with $$$$ money! What a fancy Rolls Royce! Timing is everything!

Louis la Vache said...

Bibi, your Roller may soon have company at McDo...

Patrick said...

Is there any cheap car available to Serbs now that Zastava no longer exists?

Pat said...

Patrick, not sure. There are still Yugos available, but I'll have to check now and see if there's a new "Yugo" car, or maybe it has gone the way of the former republics....


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...