Monday, April 26, 2010


Two fellows share a look through a telescope to see New Belgrade from Kalemegdan Park.

What did you look at this weekend?


Lowell said...

Looks like a hazy day with the sun trying to break through...and that park must be built on ruins of some kind. It also looks like a delightful place.

Gaelyn said...

Snow said...

it must be a great view from up there!
this weekend I looked at a garden and then, lots of rain!

Marie-Noyale said...

A view of the Finger Lakes upstate new York on Saturday,
and then fog and rain on Sunday!!

James said...

I bet the view is wonderful. I like the stones too.

Olivier said...

belle tour, ce weekend rien, repos des yeux et de l'APN, cela fait pas de mal

Tash said...

"We're almost on the TOP of the WORLD" - who needs Titanic.
Neat shot!

Suburban Girl said...

Like all those stone. I looked at waterfalls.

Liliana Holtzman said...

Bibi, I check your blog every morning. I am always curious to see what surprise you will have for us.

I know that view from Kalemegdan very well. Thanks!

Louis la Vache said...

How old is that park, Bibi? The stones make it appear to be quite old.

Pat said...

Louis and others, Kalemegdan Fortress is as old as Belgrade itself, dating back to the Romans, at least (3rd century BC or around that time.) Obviously not all was built at once and parts were rebuilt over the centuries.

If you Google 'Kalemegdan,' the Wiki site has a lot of info.

Daryl said...


Alexa said...

Looks like a nice spot, Bibi. Like my fellow New Yorkers, Lily and Marie-Noyale, I enjoyed nature on Saturday (saw tulips, tulips, tulips through the lens of my new camera) and put up with rain on Sunday.

Levinson Axelrod said...

Must've been a rewarding view.

Tuga7 said...

Excelent photo, great work!


 I have seen this woman frequently in different seasons, seated in the same place near a large open market. She doesn't seem to be askin...